August 23rd, 2011

[info]bloodbrood in [info]red_sky_ooc

hey hey everyone!
Figured I should pop in and say hi really quickly while I'm still on the grid. I'm actually currently on vacation and what do I do? Tap into the 'net for a little while. I'm not at work so it sounds like a pretty good vacation nonetheless lol


I'm revamping (Ha!) Marius here just a bit but most should know him and those who don't, here you are. He's an old vampire, from the Roman Empire era. Anne Rice universe vampire and is awesome. No really, he'll tell you that himself. He's modest too can't you tell?

He's artist and very well cultured, speaks honestly and "tries" not to let his emotions cloud his judgement but is not always successful. Marius can be a cunning businessman and reads other people, other species' very well and unlike others, while he embraces his immortality, he is still greatly fascinated by mortals and several species of supernatural being.

We are totally open to plot and all that good stuff so either here or via email would be great!!

So excited for this game :)
