August 22nd, 2011

[info]del_andreos in [info]red_sky_ooc


Hello to all, my name is Dyan and I will be your co-mod for the duration of this RPG.

I'll be starting things off with two characters; Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files) and Julian del Andreos (werewolf OC).

Harry ([info]defineokay) is a full-fledged wizard of the White Council, which is sort of like being a black belt in a martial art - you're an acknowledged master of the art, and you get to vote on matters and have a say in how things go. Considering his history, Harry is a bit of a pariah within the Council, though somewhat begrudgingly (and cautiously) acknowledged. For those of you familiar with the series, I am taking him from just after Ghost Story, the latest book in the series. As such, Harry is still the Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court, the mortal champion of Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness. His position gives him additional power and status, but all the same, Harry doesn't want it, goes by his own methods when dealing with his Queen, and doesn't trust her word very much. He's been sent to York on her orders, as well as that of the White Council, to see what's going on and try to fix it.

Julian ([info]del_andreos) is a born werewolf, strongly based off of the White Wolf gaming system, although without the whole bit about Delirium driving people insane when they see him change, because that would be WAY AWKWARD in a game with very little WW influence. He is currently an art student, and has moved to York due to a feeling he can't quite explain. While Julian is able to change form at will, he doesn't like to. He is forced to Change on the night of the full moon, and his physical strength wanes with the phases of the moon in either form.

Any questions can be directed my way via emailing dyaniera at gmail, or by commenting on either of my journals. I look forward to gaming with you all!