September 2010

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September 8th, 2010

[info]watchme in [info]realworldtvrpg


[Buffy Summers is already sitting on the chair, barely taking up half of it. She looks shell-shocked and uncomfortable. Her hands are folded together, and occasionally, she wrings them together or fidgets with her rings or bracelet.]

So I get here to find that not only are there vampires in the house, but a pig puppet and cartoons wandering around. And people telling me not to do the job I was chosen for. [She turns even more unhappy and slightly despondent] All I keep thinking about is that I'm going to go back and in two years, I'm going to die. Again. I'm going to take a leap off a big tower into a dimensional portal and kill myself to save a sister I don't currently have.

My ex-boyfriend is here, the one who just left me last week, and it still... [Pause. Quieter] It still hurts. I know he was right to go away. I know that in the long run, things will work out the way they're supposed to work out. But I needed time to work through this before seeing him again. Now I'm not just seeing him, I'm in the same living quarters with him. On the same team. I didn't know that when I signed up for this. If I had...

And then Spike. With his big, stupid mouth. Keeps telling me that I'll get drunk with him in the future, and we'll work side-by-side - which I don't buy for a second... God, I hate him so much. I just wanna punch his stupid face in. But I know that - I know that most of that is just...

[Looking every bit her age and not at all the person that demons fear in the least, she finally looks into the camera] I don't wanna die.

[She glanced back down at her hands, opens her mouth as though she's going to say something else, then gets up and leaves the room abruptly.]

[info]teamaker in [info]realworldtvrpg

confessional; annie sawyer

[As the picture appears, Annie is leaning in toward the camera and brushing her fingers through her hair, even though it's always the same. Some habits really do die hard. Once she is satisfied that her hair doesn't look a complete mess, she leans back and gives the camera a bit smile.]

Most of the people here seem really nice. The whole cartoon character thing is a bit bonkers, but then again I normally live with a vampire and a werewolf, so I guess it's not really that odd. There are other people here claiming to be vampires, but I think they are lying since they obvious aren't anything like vampires. After all, I would know. [She sighs.] I haven't told anyone here about my -- [She pauses for a moment as she tries to find the right words.] -- condition and so far no one has really said anything. I'm just average, boring, completely normal Annie Sawyer from Bristol. I like that.

[She then gives a little wave, stands up, and exists the confessional.]