September 2010

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September 1st, 2010

[info]givemediamonds in [info]realworldtvrpg

Who: Miss Piggy
What: Confession boothing
When: A few minutes after arrival

Miss Piggy marched daintily into the confession booth and closed the door behind her. She lifted herself gently into the chair, remembering to keep the seemingly random piece of blue cloth wrapped around her neck like a scarf in its proper place. After a brief adjustment in the chair she looked at the camera and smiled, her eyes bright, her face award winning.

“Hello,” she giggled a little, “I am so please to be here. I look forward to working with all of these interesting people.” Miss Piggy motioned with a gloved hand to the door she just entered through, where people continue to mill around unseen. “I hope this experience will be a pleasant one. I am sure it will. Blue has always been moi favorite color.” She kept her eyes on the camera, hoping the audience is seeing how blue and vibrant they are, and how amazing she was going to look in blue.

She giggled again, coyly. “And I hope everyone out there in TV land will support me. I always do whatever I can to fulfill the needs of moi public.” Another giggle.

Someone knocked on the door she entered, even beginning to open it. In a swift move, Miss Piggy slammed the door back shut with a mighty power. “I’M IN HERE!

The person on the other side seemed to have gotten the clue and disturbed her no more. Miss Piggy turned back to the camera, smiled again. “Thank you for watching. Let’s have fun.”

[info]planetbollywood in [info]realworldtvrpg

confessional; raj koothrappali

[The camera opens on a nervous man around the age of thirty as he slowly looks around the confessional booth. Despite the lovely climate-controlled house, he is wearing a thin running jacket, which is over a thin sweater with an awful pattern and that is over a button down shirt. It is a few more seconds before he actually looks at the camera and when he speaks, it is obvious that he is a native of the country of India, though is accent does seem to be strongly stereotypical.]

There are a lot of pretty women here. Many apologies to my liver in advance.

[He looks scared at this statement and a moment after his confession, he leans downward out of view, returning a few seconds later with a 40 of beer in his hand. Sighing, he fumbles with the cap a few times before popping it off and letting it fall to the floor. He then holds up the bottle to the camera as if to say 'cheers' and starts to chug it as he gets off the chair, exiting the confessional a moment later.]