Posts Tagged: 'the+master/saxon'

Nov. 12th, 2011



[No Subject]

Who: Lex Luthor and open
What: Lex Luthor arrives, in Metropolis. He heads to his office... in an interesting manner.
Where: Metropolis and LexCorp Tower.
When: November 10th, Afternoon
Rating: All clean at the moment, that could change though. ;-)
Notes: -eyes The Master- Lex is totally going to want his office back you alien upstart! =P

The phone had cut off right in the middle of his conversation with one of his legitimate business interests and he could not get a signal back on his phone. )

Nov. 7th, 2011



[No Subject]

WHO: The Master and open
WHAT: Reminiscing
WHEN: November 7th, late evening.
WHERE: The streets of Red Oak.
Rating: nothing beyond a PG from the Master for now.

Master of nothing, King of nowhere.. )

Oct. 7th, 2011



The Master finds new accomodations.

The Players: The Master and open
What: The Master finds a new place to call home
Where: Metropolis. To be exact, Lexcorp headquarters.
When: Nighttime on the October 7th
Rating: PG I would expect
Notes: The Master would never settle for anything less than the best.

A soldier's life is never glamorous  )

Oct. 3rd, 2011



[No Subject]

Who: The Doctor and Open
What: The Doctor takes a walk
Where: All through Red Oak, starting at the cemetery
When: Somewhere around midnight, October 3rd, 2011
Rating: TBD
Notes: [[ Anyone and everyone is highly encouraged to jump in on this post! ]]

After years of recommending good walks, The Doctor finally decided to take one )

Sep. 7th, 2011



New world to conqueror

THE PLAYERS : The Master and open
WHAT : The Master's arrival
WHERE : A cow field outside of town
WHEN : A few days after the previous arrivals.
RATING : Depends on who shows up. Possibly PG-13
NOTES : C-sharp and D-minor

The Master for every one of his 900+ years had heard a constant drumbeat inside his skull. A noise/sensation that had drove the Time Lord into committing terrible acts of atrocity in an effort to free himself from the never ending torment and finally the Master was confronted by the creator of his own personal Hell, the Time Lord Rassilon. Who had callously and sadistically put the signal into the Master's head when he had only been a young lad in the hopes the Master in an effort to free himself from the pain would someday trace the signal back to Galllifrey, homeworld of the Time Lords and undo a time loop another Time Lord by the name of the Doctor had placed the planet in to save the universe from a never ending war of the Time Lords and the Daleks, malevolent machines driven to exterminate anything that was not Dalek.

If there had been any other way to stop the war, the Doctor might have chosen it but the long war had changed and corrupted the Time Lords. They had become as cruel, unfeeling and merciless as the Daleks they had faced until they were almost as great a threat to the universe as the Daleks themselves. So, The Doctor had time looped Gallifrey and the Dalek invasion force into a never ending war and the Time Lords seeking to escape their prison had went back in time to a moment when a young Master was being introduced the their ways and altered his brain into hearing a drumbeat that would eventually lead to his insanity.

Which brings us to this moment in time and space. The Master having suffered from a botched regeneration attempt had been given almost god like powers of destruction, with the only down side being his life force was being consumed like a candle in a roaring bonfire. Not that the Master cared at the moment. He had finally found out who the author of his torment was. Rassilon, President Eternal of the Time Lords, Found of their very society, possible creator of all Time Lord technology; history was vague on that matter and the Master's personal torturer.

The Doctor had destroyed the link that was allowing Rassilon and the corrupt Time Lords to attempt to re-enter the normal time continuum and as Rassilon was about to destroy the Doctor for interfering, the Master stepped forth and with every ounce of his rage and pain he blasted Rassilon with his raw life force saving the Doctor. Yes, the energy bolts was draining the Master but he didn't care in the least. As long as he took Rassilon with him, it didn't matter.

The Master roared his defiance, his anger, his pain.... And as the world faded to white, the Master was glad the end had finally come.

Only a moment later to find himself, with his face pulled back in a snarl of pure animal like rage... staring at a cow that had its head cocked to the side as it contemplated him

The Master stared at the creature for a moment before trying to summon one more wild energy bolt to kill the impertinent animal and that was when the Master realized a few things.

One, his face was no longer burning as his life force fed on his body to fuel his energy lightning.
Two, he wasn't harming the cow at all, who continue to look at him and then gently moo'd.
And three, he was no longer on earth. At least not the one he had known. Time Lords have an innate sense about such things. Traveling through time and space, they just knew when things were different. And the Master knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he had moved somehow. Not time wise, more like sideways through the space matrix. Meaning he was on a parallel world in a different space continuum.
And fourthly, he was hungry. Not the all consuming, eat em up of his botched regeneration but a normal kind of hungry that follows a standard regeneration.

The Master spared one more look at the inquisitive cow and raised his hand one last time and tried to throw a wild energy bolt but nothing happened. With a shrug the Master lowered his hand.

"Okay, so I've dimension traveled. Probably because of my energies clashing with Rassilon being pulled back into the time loop and got sent... Somewhere. My regeneration has stabilized. Which means no more super leaps or energy lightning but it also means my body isn't burning up to power that."

The Master hunched down right where he was standing and carefully felt his face and then stared at his reflection in a puddle of rain water on the ground. "I still look like my Saxon regeneration but since I've dimensioned traveled I doubt if anyone is going to recognize me as once being the former Prime Minister of England."

The Master tapped his fingers on his chin as he tried to decide what to do.

"No Tardis. Technology on this world unknown at the moment. I've still got my laser screwdriver but that is not going to be a help to get back to where I was, and I'm not sure I would want to even if I could. No drumbeat in the head. No Rasilon or Doctor..."
The Master glanced around to make sure of that but only saw the cow who continued to watch him.

"I don't suppose you know the way to civilization do you?" He asked the bovine.

The cow chewed its cud for a moment as if considering and then turned its head to look back behind it.

The Master stood up and walked past the cow idly patting it on its flank as he walked by. "Good as a direction as any."