December 1st, 2011

[info]lionsrage in [info]quidditchplot

Hey all...

I feel COMPLETELY awful for doing this, as I've been around so little lately, and it's not that this place isn't amazing, and well thought out, and full of brilliant characters and interesting activity. But I'm going to have to leave :(

My schedule over the past two weeks or so has been crazy, and on top of that I've been on and off sick (curse working in a nursery!) and I've just not had the time to check in, and when I have had time, I've been too tired to write anything that would be in character, or I just fall asleep. And it's not fair on anyone if I keep pretending I can stick around.

Like I said though, I do completely adore this place, and think it's a wonderful idea, and have loved my time here. And I'm so so sorry that I never got to play Sarah out, or play out more of Ginny's pregnancy. Hopefully I'll catch you all around some other time :) xx