Brian and Justin Fanfic - February 28th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Retreading the Best of Brian and Justin Fanfic

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February 28th, 2008

THEMED RETREAD: FOOD [Feb. 28th, 2008|07:58 pm]


[Tags|, , , , , , , , ]
[Current Mood | dorky]

Tonight, I bring you a multi-season and author extravaganza of fun. I think there might be a little something for everyone in this mix. LOL

ONE CUP OF BROWN SUGAR by LJ's r.c. mclachlan

DO YOU WANT FRIES WITH THAT by LJ's severina2001

RASPBERRY RIPPLE by LJ's severina2001

AS SURE AS THE SUN by LJ's severina2001

HEALING HANDS by LJ's severina2001 - a touch of angst

COOKIES by LJ's cindelius

SOUL FOOD by LJ's nightsister

B & J BAKE BROWNIES by LJ's sweetestdrain

Have fun snacking. ;P
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