Queer as Folk Marathons [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Marathon reminder [Dec. 5th, 2013|07:55 pm]

I iz a fail and forgot to post the reminder, but we'll be marathoning ep 219 tonight, 8pm pst/11pm est. Join us if you can! :)
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We are continuing on with marathon of pain 2-18 [Nov. 14th, 2013|01:07 pm]


We will be marathoning episode 2-18 tonite..8pm pst/11pm est..
Join us if you can
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Marathon Reminder 2-18 [Nov. 14th, 2013|07:53 pm]

[Current Mood | nerdy]

We will be starting in about 15 mins
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We are continuing on with marathon of pain 2-18 [Nov. 14th, 2013|01:07 pm]


We will be marathoning episode 2-18 tonite..8pm pst/11pm est..
Join us if you can
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Episode 217 [Oct. 24th, 2013|09:52 pm]


Hello! We'll start episode 217 in about ten minutes :D
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Reminder [Oct. 24th, 2013|07:14 pm]

I completely spaced and forgot to post this earlier, but we'll be watching episode 217 tonight 8pm pdt/11pm edt. Hope to see you there!
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2-16 Marathon Reminder [Oct. 17th, 2013|07:51 pm]

We will get started in about 15 mins
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Marathon Episode 2-16 [Oct. 17th, 2013|08:40 am]

[Current Mood | contemplative]

Yes...we are going to begin the Marathon of Pain with episode 2-16..starting tonight at
8pm pdt/11pm edt..

so bring your kleenex..and join us if you can
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Episode 2-15 [Oct. 10th, 2013|07:51 pm]

[Current Music |roar Katy Perry]

We will get started in about 10 mins
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Marathon Reminder for episode 2-15 [Oct. 10th, 2013|02:54 pm]


We will be marathoning episode 2-15 for the birth of RAGE the comic book..come join us tonight at 8pm pdt/11pm edt..
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Episode 214 [Sep. 12th, 2013|09:55 pm]


Hello, we'll start ep 214 in about five minutes :)
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Marathon Reminder [Sep. 12th, 2013|07:15 pm]

We'll be watching episode 214 tonight starting at 8pm pdt/11pm edt. Hope to see you there! :)
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Episode 213 [Sep. 5th, 2013|09:57 pm]


Hello! We'll start episode 213 in just a few minutes :D
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[Sep. 5th, 2013|06:44 pm]

We'll be marathonimg episode 213 tonight starting at 8pm pdt/11pm edt. Hope to see you there! :)
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Marathon Reminder... [Aug. 29th, 2013|03:25 pm]

[Current Mood | hot]

We will be marathonimg episode 2-12 this evening..so I hope you can join us...we will be starting at 8pm pdt/11pm edt..
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Marathon Reminder [Aug. 29th, 2013|08:02 pm]

we will be starting in about 5 or so mins
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Marathon Reminder... [Aug. 29th, 2013|03:25 pm]

[Current Mood | hot]

We will be marathonimg episode 2-12 this evening..so I hope you can join us...we will be starting at 8pm pdt/11pm edt..
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Episode 211 [Aug. 22nd, 2013|09:50 pm]


Hello! We'll start ep 211 in about 10 minutes :)
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Episode Reminder [Aug. 22nd, 2013|11:14 am]

We will be marathoning episode 2-11 tonight starting at 8pm pacific/11pm eastern time. Hope to see you there!
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2-10 Marathon [Aug. 15th, 2013|07:56 pm]

[Current Mood | good]
[Current Music |p!nk..just give me a reason]

we will get started in about 5 mins..
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