Queer as Folk Marathons - November 14th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 14th, 2013

We are continuing on with marathon of pain 2-18 [Nov. 14th, 2013|01:07 pm]



We will be marathoning episode 2-18 tonite..8pm pst/11pm est..
Join us if you can
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We are continuing on with marathon of pain 2-18 [Nov. 14th, 2013|01:07 pm]



We will be marathoning episode 2-18 tonite..8pm pst/11pm est..
Join us if you can
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Marathon Reminder 2-18 [Nov. 14th, 2013|07:53 pm]


[Current Mood | nerdy]

We will be starting in about 15 mins
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