Queer as Folk Marathons - April 12th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 12th, 2012

Don't forget... tonight, 302 marathon! [Apr. 12th, 2012|07:59 pm]



Don't forget... tonight at 8 PM Pacific Time/11 PM Eastern Time is the next installment of[info]britin1729's awesome Season Three Queer as Folk marathon right here!

!We'll be watching 302... you know, the greatest sex that never was??? When Brian has a total break with reality on his dining table? *pets broken Brian* Don't miss it! But if you have to, don't worry... just watch when you can and come anytime during the coming week and join the conversation!


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Teh Lovathon - Episode 302 [Apr. 12th, 2012|10:11 pm]



Okay, starting now!
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