Queer as Folk Marathons - May 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 19th, 2008

*he could rub against a tree* [May. 19th, 2008|03:13 pm]
This is a reminder that I'll be hosting the 119 marathon tonight while [info]not_yet_defined is not available.

If you're used to tuning in at 9 CST, it probably won't be that early this week. I am trying to get it all ready so I can just post and go, but time isn't on my side today. My afternoon computer time is now taken up with last-minute errands for my daughter's band concert tonight. I will do my best to be here by 10 CST...

Please come join us. There's no awesome B/J sex, but there's some good stuff, Justin/Daphne sex notwithstanding.
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*episode 119* [May. 19th, 2008|10:05 pm]
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Ted saves Blake from crystal meth hell, Justin saves Daphne from awkward and painful loss of her virginity and Brian saves Jack's bowling ball from Goodwill.

OK, it's not really that silly. Come on and marathon with us...

ETA: A huge, sloppy kiss to my soulmate [info]brianslave68 for her lovely icons for this episode *and* to [info]not_yet_defined for letting me host tonight. It was fun.

sorry, sorry, sorry, i'm so late!
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