Queer as Folk Marathons - September 1st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 1st, 2007

Marathon: 308-314 & the sex [Sep. 1st, 2007|05:25 pm]


[Current Mood | drained]

MARATHON: the sex: Episodes 308-314

[info]_alicesprings, [info]xie_xie_xie and I are proud to present [info]qaf_marathons's contribution to the [info]bbtp_challenge

One of the strongest themes of 308-314 is an exploration of the new equality between Brian and Justin both in how they related to each other and of their feelings for each other. In sharp contrast to the repressed longing they both exhibited at the end of Season Two, here we finally see Brian showing not just his desire for Justin, but the joy he takes in that desire. And Justin gets his balls back, becoming a more adult version of the persistent kid of Season One, the one who got under the wire.

Agree or Disagree?  If you agree, what scenes, particularly sex scenes, demonstrate that equality to you?

Another strong theme of these episodes, beginning with the cha cha dance, is their total immersion in each other, their almost palpable sexual desire for one another, and their happiness at being together. Neither of them is denying or struggling with how he feels at this point, but there is little or no explicit verbalization of that; instead, it's expressed to us through looks, touches, and of course, sexual encounters, which  reach a new level of intensity in Season Three.

What are your favorite examples of their absorption in each other, their constant touching and the looks between them, during Season Three?

Clearly there's also a level of maturity to their relationship in late season 3 that we've never seen before and I think its passion is illustrated beautifully in their most intimate moments together.

What changes do you see specifically in 308-314 that give you a sense of the new level of their relationship -- acceptance, equality, greater maturity?

Be sure to label your responses so I can identify which question you're playing with and HAVE FUN!
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