Queer as Folk Drabbles [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Round Robin Drabble 39 [Oct. 14th, 2012|06:29 pm]

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Title: Allow Me To Apologize
Author: Xie
Drabble Number: 39, following In Molly's Eyes
Condom: Jennifer

Justin glanced at Brian, expecting to see him tight-lipped and grim. Instead, he was trying not to laugh.

Justin glanced across Brian to his mom, who leaned in so only the two of them could hear her. “I really have to apologize to you both.”

“For Molly?” Justin asked.

Jennifer shook her head. “For thinking that having your teenaged son rebel by dancing shirtless in a gay bar and dating a 30-year-old man…”

“Twenty-nine,” Brian corrected her.

“…twenty-nine-year-old man was the worst thing your child could do.”

She sat back in her seat, and they all looked back at Molly.

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Round Robin Drabble #38 [Oct. 8th, 2012|07:36 pm]

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Title: In Molly's Eyes
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Drabble Number: 38, following There's More
Condom: Brian

"The one constant in this entire ordeal is that man over there." Molly raised her arm, pointing it grimly at Brian. "He seduced my brother when he was only seventeen, introducing him to a lifestyle teeming with drugs, alcohol, and perverse sexual acts."

Molly turned her cold gaze to Justin. "He encouraged my brother to flaunt his shameful lifestyle in public. At school, in our home, destroying our loving family, convincing my mother to turn her back on her own husband, until my father had no choice but leave."

"That's the reality that finally caused my father to lose control."
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Round Robin Drabble #37 [Oct. 5th, 2012|07:34 am]
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Title: There's More
Author: [info]moonbrightnites
Drabble Number: 37, following Nervous as Hell
Condom: Justin

There was absolute silence as Molly approached the stand.

Justin kept his eyes trained on her face, searching for the girl he'd grown up with, but in place of that cute little kid was a poised and determined young woman who took her place on the stand as if it were made for her.

She spoke in calm, measured tones about a loving father, a productive member of the community, an active church-goer and a successful business man. He'd simply made one terrible mistake.

"Besides, you haven't heard the whole story," she concluded, cutting her eyes to Justin and Brian.
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Round Robin Drabble #36 [Oct. 4th, 2012|08:18 am]

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Title: Nervous as Hell
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Drabble Number: 36, following Righting Wrongs
Condom: Brian

Brian kept his arm firmly around Justin's tense shoulders, watching Craig intently as he first glared over at them, then let out a laugh he quickly disguised as a cough.

The piece of shit was a fucking nut job, and Brian was certain that if he was released, their lives wouldn't be worth a squirt of piss.

Brian turned his attention to Molly, who was looking back and forth between her father and her brother with an expression Brian recognized as the steely determination he found hot in Justin.

On Molly, it just made him feel fucking nervous as hell.
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Round Robin Drabble 35 [Oct. 2nd, 2012|11:41 pm]

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Title: Righting Wrongs
Author: britin1729
Drabble Number: 35 Follows Order
Condom: Daphne

Molly's eyes never left her father.

Her stomach clenched when she realized he'd been staring— sneering— at her brother and his fag boyfriend. Playing the victim, Craig had said. That's what Justin did, ever since he was seventeen and ran away from home. Always creating drama and breaking up their family in the process.

That was what this whole thing was really about. Craig had tried to right an old wrong, and now he was in prison for it.

Well, now Molly was righting a wrong, too.

She wiped sweaty palms on her pants and tried hard to believe it.

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Round Robin Drabble 34 [Oct. 1st, 2012|04:16 pm]

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Title: Order
Author: [info]sangwin
Drabble Number: 34, follows Not Fair
Condom: Debbie

Craig stares at Debbie. What a stupid bitch.

His eyes travel down the line of people sitting in the front row - halting on Justin.

Craig can see the echos of himself so clearly in the line of this grown man’s jaw, in the angle of his shoulders, the exact tone of his hair.

As he watches, Brian’s hand slides slowly across Justin’s shoulders, lingering on the back of his neck before draping around him. He whispers into Justin’s ear. Justin’s weight shifts towards Brian - barely closer.

Laughter bubbles from Craig’s lips. It escapes before he realizes it has spilled.

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Round Robin Drabble 33 [Sep. 28th, 2012|05:06 pm]
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Title: Not Fair
Author: moonbrightnites
Drabble Number: 33, follows Beneath the Mask
Condom: Debbie

Debbie stared at the juror in opened-mouthed shock. "But that's gotta be... what do you call it... conflicting interests?"

Carl gave a helpless shrug. "Unfortunately, he can't be disqualified for simply being related to a homophobe. Not even one with a grudge against Brian."

"Well he goddamned should be!" Debbie shouted, but quickly lowered her voice when all eyes turned their way. "If that bastard gets out, it's gonna kill them."

She must have been talking louder than she'd realized, because the next pair of eyes to fix upon her were slitted and glittering.

And their owner's expression was smug.
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Round Robin Drabble 32 [Sep. 26th, 2012|06:50 pm]
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Title: Beneath the Mask
Author: [info]jule1122
Drabble Number: 32 follows Bite Your Tongue
Condom: Justin

Craig tuned out the officials speaking at his hearing. He couldn’t listen, couldn’t stand to hear them call him a criminal, to say what he did was a crime. He’d failed before, at his sentencing, listening to them and getting angry. Fucking judge had told him to control himself and sent him to prison.

He didn’t belong there; he wasn’t going back. Craig repeated it like a mantra. After today he would be free. He just had to stay calm, pretend to be sorry, just like the man said, and this would all be over. He would finish it today.
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Round Robin Drabble 31 [Sep. 16th, 2012|11:03 pm]

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Title: Bite Your Tongue
Author: Xie
Drabble Number: 31; follows Then and Now
Condom: Deb

Debbie’s nails dug into Carl’s wrist. “Can you believe they might let that asshole out,” she began.

One of the members of the parole board gave her a dirty look.

“Deb, honey, don’t say anything until they call on you,” Carl said. “You don’t want to get thrown out.”

He glanced at the parole board, and said, “Shit.” Not quietly.

Debbie frowned. “Talk about a double standard. You can talk, but I…”

It was Carl’s turn to grip her wrist. “That guy there, second from the end?”

She looked. “What about him?”

His voice was grim. “That’s Jim Stockwell’s father-in-law.”
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Round Robin Drabble 30 [Sep. 16th, 2012|01:24 pm]

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Title: Then and Now
Author: [info]britin1729 
Drabble Number: 30 follows Cuffed
Condom: Emmett

Brian's shoulder seemed to throb, though the injury was years old, and surely he was just imagining the pain.

The room was similar to the one Chris Hobbes's sentencing had taken place in. The atmosphere was not so different, either. He and Debbie and Jennifer and the others had been there back then, too, waiting with clenched fists and a knot of nerves in their stomachs. Then there were those who had shown up on behalf of Justin's attacker.

Now, though, one of those people was Justin's own sister.

And now, Justin himself was standing beside him, strong and steady.
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Round Robin Drabble 29 [Sep. 13th, 2012|10:49 pm]

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Title: Cuffed
Author: [info]mander3_swish
Drabble Number: 29 follows Betrayal
Condom: Emmett

Craig was led into the parole hearing room, bound in handcuffs and wearing a prison uniform.

"It's like fucking deja vu," Debbie whispered - loudly - to Michael, but everyone around her heard. They all thought similarly. None of them wanted to be there, but they all felt they needed to at least try to help keep that monster behind bars. It was too soon and the mental wounds were still fresh even if the physical ones had long since healed.

"At least he's not wearing that hideous orange jumpsuit, like last time," Emmett said, trying to make light of the situation.
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Round Robin Drabble #28 [Sep. 13th, 2012|11:09 am]

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Title: Betrayal
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Drabble Number: 28, following He Knows
Condom: Brian

"Sadly, it appears our Japanese Junket has been cut short." Brian noted, fingers sliding slowly from Justin's hair to explore the soft landscape of Justin's skin.

"Thanks to my fucking father." Justin said bitterly, shivering as goosebumps rose on his arms from Brian's caressing touch.

"Hey." Brian scolded gently, fingers tightening on the globes of Justin's smooth ass. "He's a piece of shit that deserves everything he's brought on himself. Don't ever forget that."

"I know." Justin sighed, pressing a kiss to Brian's chest.

Brian only hesitated for a heartbeat. "Molly wants to speak on Craig's behalf at the hearing."
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Round Robin Drabble #27 [Sep. 12th, 2012|07:38 am]
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TITLE: He Knows



DRABBLE NUMBER: 27, follows Fuck


But he can’t ignore it forever.

“What,” he snaps in greeting when he finally answers, with Justin sprawling across his chest and the sweat between them just beginning to cool.

Then he listens and does his best not to tense, inadvertently alerting Justin that something is wrong, but Justin’s head pops up and their eyes meet.

Brian doesn’t have to say a word; Justin knows.

Hanging up with a sigh, he begins trailing his fingers through Justin’s too-long hair again and again.

Justin sighs in contentment and buries his face against Brian’s neck.

“So.” His voice is muffled. “Vacation’s over?”

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Round Robin Drabble #26 [Sep. 11th, 2012|03:59 pm]

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Title: Fuck
Author: [info]sangwin
Drabble Number: 26, follows Forward
Condom: Justin

“Brian. Just fuck me.”

Brian is impressed at Justin’s retained flexibility. Bent in half under him, he is just as soft and warm and wanting as the first fucking time.


He enters Justin in one tortuously slow motion.

Justin grabs at his back - pulling, fighting, trying to force him to move faster. He doesn’t.

Teeth grip into his shoulder, dragging over scarred, uneven tissue. Neon lights flash. Foreign sounds fill the night.

“Brian! Fuck me.”

And then he does. Justin’s heels pull him in. Again and again.

Brian’s phone vibrates on the night stand. He ignores it. Again.
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Round Robin Drabble 24 [Sep. 10th, 2012|12:13 am]

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Title: Promises Promises
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Drabble Number: 24, following Fall to Pieces
Condom: Brian

Brian leaned in as close as he could, pressing his lips against the white bandage wrapped around Justin's head.

"It seems as though the annoying brat portion of your brain is still intact." he whispered.

"My concerned partner circuits are just fine too." Justin murmured, reaching his hand up to rub Brian's stubbled cheek. "I'm gonna be okay, but you need to rest that shoulder or I'll kick your ass."

"Promises, promises, twat."

Justin drifted off to sleep soon after, leaving Brian to sit and wonder how long it would be before he was alert enough to ask about Craig.
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CORRECTED LIST [Sep. 8th, 2012|08:44 pm]

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23. [info]britin1729
24. [info]frantic_quest
25. [info]happier_bunny
26. [info]sangwin
27. [info]moonbrightnites
28. [info]frantic_quest
29. [info]mander3_swish
30. [info]britin1729
31. [info]xie_xie_xie
32. [info]xie_xie_xie
33. [info]jule1122
34. [info]moonbrightnites
35. [info]sangwin
36. [info]britin1729
37. [info]frantic_quest
38. [info]moonbrightnites
39. [info]frantic_quest
40. [info]xie_xie_xie
41. [info]jule1122
42. [info]frantic_quest
43. [info]jule1122

Sorry it took me so long guys!

I've had one person request more drabbles...anyone else interested in more?
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Round Robin Drabble 22 [Sep. 7th, 2012|04:17 pm]

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Title: Flutter
Author: [info]mander3_swish
Drabble Number: 22 follows Waiting
Condom: Emmett

The slight movement in his hand startled him awake. When he looked up, he saw Justin's eyelids fluttering, struggling to stay open against the harsh lighting.

"You're here," Justin whispered, his mouth sounding dry.

"I couldn't imagine being anywhere else," he replied softly, the words uncharacteristically getting caught in his throat. He pressed a kiss into Justin's palm.

"Are you okay?"

"I think I'm the one that should be asking that. You fucking jumped in front of a bullet for me. I should be pissed for almost losing you again after just getting you back."
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Round Robin Drabble 21 [Sep. 7th, 2012|04:17 pm]

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Title: Waiting
Author: [info]mander3_swish
Drabble Number: 21 follows Please
Condom: Emmett

Lindsay helped Brian out of bed as the nurse wheeled a chair in from the hallway.

Reaching the doors to the ICU, the nurse asked Lindsay to wait outside. "Only one visitor at a time."

Watching him through the window as he wheeled up to Justin's bed, taking the still, pale hand in his, Lindsay couldn't help but think of how small Brian looked. His face was awash in sadness and fear. Knowing him like she did, she knew he would blame himself for everything that had transpired, even though not one second of anything was his fault.
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Round Robin Drabble 20 [Sep. 5th, 2012|09:04 am]

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Title: Please
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Drabble Number: 20, following Your Fault
Condom: Brian

Brian tenses and stares at the nurse in the doorway. "Take me to him."

She hesitates, and Brian struggles to sit up, ignoring the pain that explodes from his chest as he hangs his feet over the side of the bed.

"Now." He tries to sound commanding, but instead ends up gasping for air.

"Mr. Kinney," the nurse shoots for soothing, "You're in no condition to leave your bed, and Mr. Taylor will be in ICU until he regains consciousness."

"Then get me a fucking wheelchair." He snaps, before biting his lip, quietly adding, "Please. I need to see him."
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Round Robin Drabble 19 [Sep. 4th, 2012|09:43 am]

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Title: Your Fault
Author: [info]sangwin
Drabble Number: 13, follows Clarity
Condom: Justin

He looked like Craig, but also completely unlike him. Sunken eyes and greying skin - faded, wild, and unwell.

Brian’s mind fights chaos.

While everyone froze in fear, Justin stood and was calm. The gun moved from Debbie to Justin. This was his intent; gentle voice and upheld hands attempting to dilute madness.

At first it seemed to work, until glossy eyes fell on Brian.

“You! This is all your fucking fault. ALL OF IT.”

He can remember the feel of Justin’s body slamming into his own. And then nothing....

The door opens. “Mr. Kinney, Justin is out of surgery.”
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Round Robin Drabble 18 [Sep. 2nd, 2012|06:59 pm]

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Title: Clarity
Author: britin1729
Drabble Number: 18 follows Taking Charge
Condom: Brian

The struggle for clarity was constant, what with the deluge of pain medicine the hospital was pumping into him, but Brian forced himself to recall each moment inside the diner, dredging up each hazy memory and running it over and over in his mind until it became sharp and clear.

He remembered the man's delusional ranting. Brian couldn't figure out where he'd seen the gunman before, but he knew for sure it had something to do with Craig Taylor.

He remembered an explosion of pain. Remembered staring up into the barrel of the weapon that could have ended his life.
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Round Robinb Drabble #17 [Sep. 1st, 2012|06:06 pm]
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Title: Taking Charge
Author: [info]jule1122
Drabble Number: 17 Follows Pass Right Through You
Condom: Brian

Brian immediately summoned a nurse.

“My partner, Justin Taylor, is in surgery,” he said without preamble. “I need an immediate update on his condition. As his next of kin, all treatments and decisions go through me. Is that understood?”

“Get Ted,” he barked at Michael. “I need the legal and medical files here NOW.” He turned to Lindsay. “Gus? Everyone?”

“Fine,” she reassured him.

Only later, waiting for Justin to come out of recovery, the doctor’s words running through his mind, “head trauma, previous injury, permanent damage,” did Brian begin to remember what happened. His eyes snapped open, “Motherfucking Craig.”
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Round Robin Drabble #16 [Aug. 31st, 2012|07:10 pm]
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Title: Pass Right Through You
Author: [info]jule1122
Drabble Number: 16 follows He Doesn't Know
Notes: Title from U2's "So Cruel"
Condom: Justin

When Brian woke next, everything was clearer. While his body still felt heavy and drugged, the pain was localized to his shoulder. Michael and Lindsay sat in the corner, whispering.


“Brian!” Lindsay tried to smile. “Do you remember what happened?”

He tried. The diner, a gun. Suddenly fear replaced the pain, replaced everything. “Justin,” he said urgently.

Lindsay bit her lip and took his hand. “He saved you. He saved all of us.”

“Where is he?” He tried to get up, struggling against the pain.

Lindsay urged him back down then exchanged a look with Michael. “He’s in surgery.”
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Round Robin Drabble #15 [Aug. 29th, 2012|10:04 pm]
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Title: He Doesn’t Know
Author: moonbrightnites
Drabble Number: 15, follows Where is He?
Condom: Lindsay

“Brian,” Lindsay cried, mindless of Michael’s warning glance and the nurse’s glare. Her face compressed into tight lines and shadows as she eyed Brian’s ashen skin, thick bandages, and the wires connecting him to various machines. Her eyes filled with tears.

“Does he know?”

Michael shook his head. “And we’re not saying anything either,” he said, raising his voice to emphasize the last three words.

“Of course not,” Lindsay replied after a slight hesitation, then crossed the room and reached for Brian’s hand. “It’s going to be okay,” she whispered, carefully pressing a kiss against his cheek. “I’m here now.”
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Drabble number 14 [Aug. 29th, 2012|07:38 pm]
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Title: Where is He?
Author: jugurl2012
Drabble Numbers: 14 follows Flash
Condom: Brian

The loud, annoying beeping starts to speed up as his panic rises. A nurse rushes in and Michael wakes up. She’s saying something, but Brian doesn’t hear. His mind is preoccupied with the fact that Justin isn’t there.

Brian sees a needle coming and he thrashes as much as he can, which unfortunately isn’t much. Even so, he has to be held down by two more nurses that have run it. When a vein is found, the needle goes in.

As his eyes droop from whatever they gave him and he begins to succumb to unconsciousness, a blond comes in.
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Round Robin Drabble 13 [Aug. 29th, 2012|03:12 pm]

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Title: Ice Cold
Author: [info]sangwin
Drabble Number: 13, follows Flash
Condom: Justin

Brian wakes up slowly.

There is some sort of terrible beeping in his ear. His body is heavy and aches.

Yes. This seems about right. Just when everything starts to feel settled and whole: SMACK. Right in your fucking face.

Brian looks around the room as much as he can without moving. Michael is asleep - curled uncomfortably - half in his chair and half on the foot of the bed. His eyes are swollen, brow worried.

The air is suddenly ice cold. Something, no, someone is missing. He would be here if he were fine.

What the fuck happened?
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Round Robin Drabble 11 [Aug. 27th, 2012|06:56 pm]
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Title: Opening Night
Author: [info]jule1122
Drabble Number: 11 follows Like a Boss
Condom: Debbie

By the time Debbie changed into her new shirt, customers were streaming in. The diner had been sorely missed, and Liberty Avenue regulars came out in droves to celebrate its return.

Debbie looked around in awe. Emmett worked along side her cooks creating opening night dishes. Justin and Hunter threw on aprons and passed out champagne along with pink plate specials.

Gus sat with Brian in the back booth, thrilled to be “one of the boys” while Mel and Lindsay hovered near the door where JR insisted on welcoming everyone to her Grandma’s diner.

It was perfect. It was hers.
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Round Robin Drabble 10 [Aug. 26th, 2012|10:24 am]

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Title: Like a Boss
Author: [info]mander3_swish
Drabble number: 10 follows Home
Condom: Emmett

"Ma, do you remember the t-shirt you wore on your first shift?"

"Of course! It's still one of my favorites; it was Italian AND gay!" She smiled to herself, thinking of those early days fondly. It had been tough at times, but she wouldn't give back a second. "It said 'Straight? So is spaghetti until you heat it up!'"

While everyone was having a laugh, she opened the bag to find champagne and rolls of fabric tied with ribbon. Opening one, she realized it was a brand new tee. It said: "Who has two thumbs and loves being the boss?"
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Round Robin Drabble 9 [Aug. 25th, 2012|11:47 am]

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Title: Home
Author: britin1729
Drabble Number: 9 follows Celebration
Condom: Justin

Debbie beamed up at Brian through teary eyes. Then she shook the bag. "What is it?"

"Open it, Deb," Justin encouraged.

Debbie swiped renewed tears from her eyes but didn't open the bag. "You know, I still remember my first day here." Vic had told her about an opening at the Liberty Diner, so she'd applied that day and started working the next. She'd never looked back.

It had always been more than a job; it had been a second home, a place where family and friends came together for advice and support. A place to share, laugh, and love.

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Round Robin Drabble 8 [Aug. 24th, 2012|10:02 am]
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Title: Celebration
Author: moonbrightnites
Drabble Number: 8, follows New Beginnings
Condom: Michael

A wave of awe settled over them, manifesting in one of the rarest occurrences: A moment of silence.

It lasted a scant few seconds and then everyone was clapping and cheering.

“Another victory,” Emmett said with a private smile for Debbie as Ted chimed in with “a well-earned one” and the others added their own echoes.

“I always knew this day would come, Ma,” Michael said, and when his voice broke over the last words Brian stepped forward, producing a paper-wrapped bag.

“Time for the christening,” he said in mocking tones, but he wasn’t fooling anyone – least of all Deb.
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Round Robin Drabble 7 [Aug. 23rd, 2012|10:30 pm]
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Title: New Beginnings
Author: [info]jule1122
Drabble Number: 7 follows 10 Years
Notes: Thanks to [info]xie_xie_xie for looking this over.
Condom: Debbie

“He should have been here,” Debbie couldn’t help saying. Thinking of all things Vic has missed still makes her so angry at the same time it breaks her heart.

“Well, if he was he’d tell you to hurry the fuck up,” Brian yelled, breaking the tension and making everyone laugh. “None of us are getting any younger.”

“Speak for yourself,” Debbie countered. “You’re only as old as you feel, and I feel fucking terrific.”

With one last squeeze of Carl’s hand, she turned the sign to open and flipped the switch to illuminate the neon sign declaring this, “Debbie’s Diner.”
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Round Robin drabble 6 [Aug. 22nd, 2012|11:22 pm]
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Title: 10 Years
Author: jugurl2012
Drabble Numbers: 6 follows Reminisce
Condom: Justin

Debbie smiled, wiping the silent tears. “I’m fine. I’m fine. It’s just… it’s been 10 years… since…” Debbie couldn’t finish, feeling too choked up.

Justin, bless his heart, understood and bestowed a firm hug on his surrogate mother, someone who was there when his birth mother couldn’t be. “I know Deb. We all miss him.”

Debbie looked around, seeing Brian a bit separated from everyone else and she pointed him out to the artist, watching with a sad smile as he took the hint.

Debbie looked at her own significant other and the pairs around the diner before manning up.
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Round Robin Drabbles 4 & 5 [Aug. 20th, 2012|09:21 am]

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Title: Reminisce
Author: [info]delvalmom
Drabble Numbers: 4 & 5 follows Ready
Condoms: Two for Vic

She turns and looks at each of them, only two family by blood, but all part of the family of her heart.

She clutches her granddaughter tighter, relishing the feel of the tiny arms firmly draped around her neck, knowing with a pang of regret just how quickly time flies, with no guarantees the journey will keep them all together, or safe.

She thinks of Vic, who never knew the little angel in her arms, who never had the chance to see Michael and Ben marry, who never saw Brian grow into the man he’d always believed he could be.

Vic would have been so proud of them all, although she was grateful he was spared the horror that was Babylon’s bombing, and the subsequent fallout that ended up taking the girls and the grandchildren so far away.

She’s lost count of the number of times she’s thought to herself, “Wait ‘til Vic gets a load of that” only to remember that she really was all alone now in watching over her lost boys.

She blinks as she realizes that Justin is squeezing her hand, smiling like the fucking sun, bringing her back to the present with a gentle, “Deb?”
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[Aug. 18th, 2012|10:01 pm]

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Title: Ready
Author: [info]sangwin
Drabble Number: 3, follows United
Condom: Brian

Debbie is engulfed in hugs and kisses. She wipes her eyes as she welcomes affection from every direction.

Even though she is getting too big for it, she lifts Jenny Rebecca onto her hip and holds her close. No matter how much time has passed, it has always been too long.

One figure remains separate, leaning against the open door. Debbie nods at Brian through the gathered crowd.

Brian winks back at her and holds up a set of keys, jingling them lightly. “Ready?”

She takes a deep breath, adjusts JR’s weight, and reaches out for Justin’s hand.

“I’m ready.”
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Round Robin Drabble 2 [Aug. 18th, 2012|06:53 am]
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Title: United
Author: [info]jule1122
Drabble Number: 2 follows Liberty
Condom: Debbie

“Hey, Sweetheart.” Carl walked in and kissed her cheek.

“You’re early.” Debbie glanced at the clock, relieved to see she still had time.

“I thought you might need some help.”

Debbie shook her head. Some things you just had to do alone.

Then the door opened again, and they were all there. Ted and Emmett came in with Blake, followed by Michael, Ben and Hunter. Brian and Justin walked in holding hands. And by the time Jenny Rebecca broke free of her mothers and brother, running to her and squealing, “Grandma,” the tears filling Debbie’s eyes began to spill over.
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Round Robin Drabble 1 [Aug. 17th, 2012|12:28 pm]

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Title:  Liberty
Author: Xie
Drabble number: 1
Condom: Justin

Debbie paused, still holding the damp rag she’d been using to wipe the diner counter.

She could almost hear Emmett and Ted, sniping at each other while Michael laughed. Could almost see Justin and Brian in the back booth, lost in their own world.

There could have been three guys under the table taking turns blowing him, and Brian would still have been able to read the paper and ask for a refill. Justin’s flushed cheeks, however, had given away what Brian’s hand was doing where she couldn’t see it.

The bell on the door tinkled, and Debbie turned around.
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