Queer as Folk Drabbles - January 26th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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January 26th, 2009

*100th Celebration Drabbles 76-90* [Jan. 26th, 2009|03:39 pm]
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Here's [info]jule1122's next set. Tomorrow will be our last day to post drabbles for the 100th celebration!

Thank you to [info]tweedygal for being the best beta, friend, and partner in crime, and to [info]brainslave68 for the gorgeous banner.

Challenge #76: And the Ending Is . . . “which was perfectly true.”

“Justin, does your dad hate you because you’re gay?”

Justin looked at Gus sharply, wondering where this was coming from. “My dad hates me because I’m not the man he wanted me to be. Being gay is part of that. Why?”

“I need to tell Dad something, and I’m not sure what he’ll say,” Gus bit his thumbnail, looking so much younger than fifteen.

“He knows you’re straight, Gus,” Justin said gently.

“Really?” Gus sounded surprised and relieved.

“Brian just wants you to be happy. We both do,” Justin reassured him. “He could never hate you,” which was perfectly true.

Prompts 77-90 )
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*100th Celebration Drabbles 76-90* [Jan. 26th, 2009|03:46 pm]
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Tomorrow will be the last set from both of us. Thank you for reading -- the response has been incredible and I'm so happy I got to be a part of celebrating and giving back to you.

Thank you so much to [info]jule1122 for being a wonderful friend, drabble writer and beta. HUGE hugs to the lovely [info]besamislabios for every single moment she spent encouraging me and feeding me lovely drabble bunnies and to my non-lesbian soulmate [info]brianslave for the lovely banner icons and great ideas as well.

76. And the Ending Is..."which was perfectly true."
Wanna Finish?

Dazed, Brian made his way back to Justin, spreading himself over him and tangling his fingers into his hair. His mouth sought Justin's; probing, begging silently for him not to say a word. All he wanted to was feel Justin beneath him, warm and welcoming.

Now that Stockwell was on to them, now that he'd surely lose his job, maybe lose everything, he needed to finish this.

He pushed slowly back into Justin, deepening the kiss. Justin moaned in response, tightening around him. Then Brian fucked Justin like nothing had interrupted them; like nothing else mattered, which was perfectly true.

Prompts 77-90 )
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Challenge #100: Celebrate [Jan. 26th, 2009|06:13 pm]


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Title: To Make Him Happy
Author: britin1729
Condom: 1 to Justin

Rings. Invitations. Flowers. Tuxes. Far more wedding than Brian ever expected to not mind.

He was waiting for it. The thing that would set him off. Something Justin said, some trite tradition they were expected to uphold..... He waited for the thing that would wake him up. Make this real. The sudden realization of what he was doing.

He didn't want to be afraid...it was the last thing he wanted. But he expected it. He expected to be terrified of promising Justin the one thing he'd never given anyone. Himself.

But somehow, he wasn't only making Justin happy anymore. 

Part II )
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