Queer as Folk Drabbles - January 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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January 15th, 2009

*Challenge #99: cold and windy* [Jan. 15th, 2009|07:01 am]
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Title: At My Window
Notes: No beta, all mistakes are mine. I couldn't sleep last night, so I wrote this in bed on my phone. I think I have drabble issues. :-P
And the condom goes to: Cynthia

Brian stared out his window, watching headlights move to unknown destinations. The night was clear, yet bitterly cold and windy. Restless, he paced the floor, thinking about going out. Surely there was something or someone out there that would relax him. He absently lit a cigarette, but the nausea welled up as soon as he took the first drag.

He sank weakly onto the sofa, breathing deeply, willing himself not to throw up. Finally, the nausea subsided. Still restless, but too sick to do anything about it, Brian finally fell into fitful sleep as the wind continued to wail outside.
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Challenge #99: Cold and WIndy [Jan. 15th, 2009|07:51 pm]
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Title: Strength
Author: Catcayman
Condom to: Cynthia

The wind howled and the cold intensified as large snowflakes fell, making the road slick and treacherous.

"Cold, wet, fuck. Cold, wet, fuck. Keep going." Brian couldn't get himself to think in sentences; this mantra kept playing over again as he willed himself to go one more block, one more foot, one more pedal stroke. Head hanging down, he watched the wet pavement slide past.

Although he'd never admit it, even he had limits to what he could stand. Then, with one last push, he lifted his head and they came into view. His family. Justin. He could make it.
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