Queer as Folk Drabbles - October 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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October 9th, 2008

Challenge #87: Masturbation [Oct. 9th, 2008|04:37 pm]


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Title: Fantasy (Part Two of "Justin Is A Sadistic Twat Who's Going To Cause A Pile-Up"...lol)
Author: britin1729
Notes: This is all
flamencanyc's fault for making me think about a part two, lol.
Condoms: 4 to Daph

“You are such...” Brian muttered before his lips crashed into Justin's again, “A fucking...” Another hard kiss. “Tease.”

Justin moaned into Brian's lips, and Brian took the opportunity to shove his tongue inside the blond's open mouth.

“I aim to please,” Justin gasped as Brian sat up and began unbuttoning his jeans. Seconds later, there were clothes strewn all over the jeep, and two very naked and needy men panting in the backseat.

Justin shuddered as Brian reached between them to teasingly stroke his cock. “Fuck me...” he groaned.

Brian brought Justin's hand down to cup the blond's own dick.

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Challenge #87: Masturbation [Oct. 9th, 2008|06:23 pm]
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[mood |exhausted]

AUTHOR: [info]doppelganger44
TIMELINE: Early Season 1.
WORD COUNT: 300 words; 3 drabbles.
WARNING: R for language.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.
SYNOPSIS: Breakfast at the diner with an interesting convo among the guys...And Debbie.
A/N: These were not betaed so all mistakes are mine. Some words are intentionally mispelled. Please enjoy and leave me some lovin'. THREE FOR SUNSHINE.

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