Queer as Folk Drabbles - June 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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June 1st, 2008

challenge #68 - Woody's [Jun. 1st, 2008|12:00 pm]
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Title: Can't Hide
Author: Foreverbm
Pairings: Vic/Rodney/Debbie
Condom: Vic

“Are you sure she won’t be able to find us here?” Rodney asked.
“Don’t worry. Of all the places she would think to look, Woody’s on Monday night would be her last thought.” Vic reassured Rodney, who still had a ‘I can’t believe we’ve managed to get two hours alone’ look on his face.
“Vic….Rodney…I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I thought we were going to watch the Judy Garland season on TV tonight.” Debbie’s voice boomed from behind them.
“Sis...Rodney and I just wanted….”
”I know….some time alone….don’t mind me” Debbie laughed settling in the chair next to them.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [Jun. 1st, 2008|08:02 pm]
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Title: Winning and Losing
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Brian and Michael
Condom: Michael

“You play pool as badly as you sing” Brian said as he shot the black ball into the pocket, raising his cue in victory.
Michael glared at him.
“You want another game?”
“What so I can beat you for the….what is it….forth…no fifth time.” Brian laughed “No thanks, I have something better to aim at.”
He turned as Justin walked in the door.
“Winning as always Brian?”
“Of course Sunshine….have you ever known me to lose!”
Michael shook his head as he walked back to Ben, knowing that Brian had actually lost something the moment he’d seen Justin. His heart.
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[Jun. 1st, 2008|08:40 pm]


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Title: Cheaters Never Win
Author: dirtylttlescret
Rating: G
Condom: Brian Ben

Brian was molesting Justin up against the bar, when Michael scratched his shot and tried to sneak the cue ball back onto the table.

“Hey, I saw that,” said Ben, wrapping his arms around Michael’s waist.

“Yeah, what are you going to do about it? Tell my mother?”

“No, I prefer to resolve this with corporal punishment.”


Ben smiled as Dusty Springfield’s “Son of A Preacher Man” started playing through the speakers.

“First, I’m going to make you dance with me in front of all these people. Then you’re going home to work it off in long, hard labor.”
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*Not for challenge* [Jun. 1st, 2008|08:47 pm]
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Title: Untiltled
Author: pinkfriction
Pairing: See icon kthnx
A/N: Not for challenge

I run my tongue all over her body, tasting all of her.

I draw her scent in deeply through my nose, nothing on earth smells as good as her.

I move slowly around her areola, and she shudders gently.

I find my way down between her legs, sucking in every inch.

She moans, so I speed up.

She moans again, so I slow down.

She shudders, harder this time.

She says my name, and I look up.

We gaze at each other, we are bathed in half-light.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

We lie conjoined, sleeping in ecstasy.
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