Queer as Folk Drabbles - May 31st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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May 31st, 2008

[May. 31st, 2008|01:28 pm]


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Title: So You Sacrificed Everything?
Author: dirtylttlescret
Rating: PG-13, just language
Condom: Justin

Brian was fucked. He’d passed complete inebriation three shots back. Now the only person who could bring down Stockwell was permanently indisposed, courtesy of a shotgun wound to the head.

“Sometimes you have to for what you believe in,” said Justin, rubbing his nose the way he did sometimes when he was drunk.

Brian pulled him in for a messy kiss. He tasted like whisky and truth. Brian had no clue how he was going to fix this, but tonight he was going to wrap himself in Justin’s warm strength and enjoy sloppy drunk sex until they both passed out.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 31st, 2008|02:37 pm]
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Title: Second Time
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Debbie/Carl
Condom: Carl

“I don’t know Debbie.” Carl said for the tenth time as they stood at the door of Woody’s.
“For fuck sake Carl, you’re a happily married…well living in sin… heterosexual man, no one is going to hit on you.”
He’d only been in Woody’s once before and remembered the looks and cheers he’d received when he’d kissed Debbie. He knew he had blushed as red as Debbie’s hair.
“Christ Carl, it’s fucking freezing standing here.” Debbie’s loud voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Ok sweetheart whatever you want.” He opened the door, ushering her in, ignoring the surprised looks that greeted them.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 31st, 2008|02:53 pm]
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Title: Unfinished Business
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Michael

Michael’s brought his hand under the table slowly moving it up his husband’s well muscled thigh until he reached his destination.
He heard Ben’s sharp intake of breath as his fingers circled his crotch, feeling his rock hard dick straining against his jeans.
“Michael…..” Ben growled, trying not to move as he felt Michael’s fingers work at his zipper.
His beer slopped from the glass as Michael’s fingers moved inside his pants and he stood, grabbing Michael, pushing him in front of him as he dragged him out the door.
“What’s the rush?” Ted yelled
“Unfinished business!” Michael called back.
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Challenge #68: Woody's [May. 31st, 2008|04:27 pm]


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Title:  Ugly is a Four Letter Word
Author:  Philflam
Warnings:  None
Timeline:  Anytime
Condom:  Brian

The gang sat around a table at Woody’s; construction tape surrounded the bar. 


“God, those new stools are fucking ugly!” growled Brian.


“Yeah, the idea of rainbow colored stools sounded good in concept but they really suck,” said Justin.


Everyone seemed to agree, except Emmett who was just smiling.


“What’s up with you Honeycutt?” asked Brian suspiciously.


“Well, when I found out they were getting rid of the old stools, I made a deal with the owner to buy them all.  I’m going to sell them on eBay with the slogan, ‘Brian Kinney sat on me.’  I’ll make a fortune.”

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