Queer as Folk Drabbles - February 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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February 9th, 2008

Challenge #51 - Debbie [Feb. 9th, 2008|12:48 am]
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Title: Understanding
Timeline: S2
Condom: Michael

Debbie was at the Diner. As usual. Looking over to the right corner she could see her baby and his lover deep in conversation. My baby, all grown up. She didn't know what to feel. Proud, upset, scared...

“Hey Deb”


“What's up?”

“Aaah, nothing. “


Order up. She went to collect it with practised ease. Over to the table. “Hey sweety”

“Thanks mom”

“Yes, thanks Debbie”

She eyed Ben warily. She still couldn't quite get her head around it. Her baby with...with a positive man.



“I do really love your son, you know?”

“Aaah, shut up!”
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#51-Debbie [Feb. 9th, 2008|01:27 am]


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Title: Wasted
Author: zortrana
Warning: Not schmoop
Condom goes to: Debbie



Deb lugged the trash bags out behind the diner; cursing the new bus boy, Tyler, for failing again to arrive for his shift. Tyler is cute and brings in business, much like Justin had done. But Justin had showed up for his shifts and was willing to do the heavy, dirty work. Tyler is just…cute.

 Grumbling, Debbie set the bags down with a thump. She reached up to lift the dumpster lid and hesitated. She wondered if enough time would ever pass so that she could see a dumpster without thinking of the tragic end of a young man’s life.

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Challenge #51 : Debbie [Feb. 9th, 2008|04:15 pm]


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Title: No Tricks After Midnight
Author: Vamphile
Condom(s): Justin

No Tricks After Midnight

Debbie heard the low murmuring of voices behind Justin’s door. Glancing groggily at the clock she cursed and got out of bed. She’d said no tricks after midnight and it was almost three.

“Brian, shhhh, Debbie will hear you and…”

“Awww, is widdle Sunshine afraid of…”

Brian's words were slurred and she could only imagine what Justin had done to shut him up. She heard a giggle and a sigh and the unmistakable sound of the headboard hitting the wall repeatedly, then muffled moans followed by shushing.

She shook her head and went back to bed smiling. Brian in love.
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Challenge #51: Debbie [Feb. 9th, 2008|05:15 pm]


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I'm so bored today! I feel like writing a mil but this is all that came out! :(

Title: Smile
Author: [info]yourloveisalie
Timeline: Season 2 before ~drama~
Condom: Justin

"What are you smiling about?" Debbie asked Brian who was reading the morning paper and drinking his coffee.

Bemused and unware of the smile on his face, he looked up to her with a raised eyebrow, and then didn't say a word.

Debbie shook her head and turned away as Justin walked in. "SUNSHINE!" She shouted extending her arms to a hug.

Brian looked up from his coffee and paper and smiled just how he was a second ago when Debbie noticed.

Justin smiled himself glancing to Brian.

Pulling back, she noticed Brian's smile again. She rubbed Justin's cheek and went on her way.
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Challenge #51 - Debbie [Feb. 9th, 2008|06:18 pm]
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Title: Apology at last
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: 10 years in the future
Condom: Michael

Debbie watched her son and his husband celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary.
Her thoughts went back to when Michael met Ben, how happy he was.
She was to, until she found out Ben was positive.
She knew now that she had handled the situation badly. Her anger came from the fact she was a mother, but that was no excuse for her behavior.
She was pleased he had ignored her. Ben was the best thing that had happened to Michael.
She had never apologized to Michael for what she had said and knew she should.
She walked towards her son.
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