Brian/Justin IDEAS, PLOTS, REQUESTS [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brian and Justin Bunnies: plots, vids, graphics

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Blue Brian [Mar. 30th, 2009|11:25 pm]

I have a need for an icon that's a little off the beaten path.

In 118 when Brian visits the baths and discovers the dear old doc stepping out on Michael, there's a lovely little scene where Brian is all blue and some guy with a bunch of rings is touching him and licking sucking his nipples. You might recall it...if not, it's always worth another look.

Anyway, Besa and I watched 117 and 118 tonight and we really, really, really want an icon of that hand and that nipple-sucking. I don't have a cap, but maybe someone does...

I'm usually all about the B/J, but this *IS* S1 and it's totally canon and it's HOT. So...thank you very much in advance!
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Is this not perfect?? [Mar. 29th, 2009|01:19 pm]


Yesterday, I spent a lovely day with [info]xie_xie_xie, [info]firehead30 and [info]orlith. We were trying to tone down our QAF-iness to be good for Xie's family brunch. So of course, we're shouting out "BUTTSECKS!!!!" every two seconds. lol

Then, [info]orlith came up with the most perfect slogan:

"Justin's ass is magically delicious."

We died laughing. But see...there's no icon of Justin's ass that says "magically delicious."

Help us out? *bats lashes*

ETA: THANK YOU, [info]kari77 AND [info]qafmaniac!!!!! Come, see the magically delicious butts!!!!!!
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410 icon request [Mar. 19th, 2009|06:29 pm]

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[Current Mood | blank]

I have 5000 userpics and I see no reason why like 500 of them shouldn't be from 410.

Now, I have several icons from 410 but what I really want need is a series of icons from the end. You know, when Brian goes looking for Justin at Babylon and I want several of them to say: Brian's Sanctuary (ie Justin) or SANCTUARY or whatever you artists think is best. Oh maybe like: Safe in his sanctuary. Do you see a theme here?


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Icon Bunnies [Mar. 18th, 2009|02:18 pm]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

I was wondering if any of the icon goddesses out there might be willing to cook up a little something for me (and to share). I have been fantasizing about wanting two icons:

1)Hotel!Sex scene from 110 with Justin flat on the bed, head turned, and Brian's hands on his shoulders (GUH) with the text "Room Service" (if not that exact shot, something hot from that scene.)

2)Justin talking to the Studio Head in 413, looking so hot, with the text "Ass Business"

Please, someone take pity, and give my porny little bunnies a home... :)

ETA: Come check out the HOTNESS [info]qafmaniac made! I'm sharing so please give her lots of love in the form of comments and credit!
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Happy St.Patrick's day! [Mar. 17th, 2009|04:47 pm]
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Would anyone be willing to make a Brian icon with the following words "Kiss me I'm Irish? What a bunch of malarky. How about 'Blow me, I'm Irish" or if that's too much text just "Blow me, I'm Irish". In exchange, I will use all my powers as a red head to get the leprechauns to leave pots of gold near your home.

ETA: Thanks to [info]kari77 for my awesome icon!
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Black Range Rover [Mar. 15th, 2009|10:53 am]

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Does anyone feel like making an icon of Justin's black Range Rover from [info]xie_xie_xie's Only Time series? I would be most grateful. *Wants*
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Emmett icon needed [Mar. 14th, 2009|05:57 pm]
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[Current Mood | curious]

Hello all! Would anyone be willing to make me an icon with a happy pic of Emmett and the words "the little flame that could"? Please? With sugar on top!
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A short fic, and an unrelated icon... [Mar. 13th, 2009|06:13 pm]
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Hi everyone!
I'm still new around here, so if either of these have already been done, please just pat me on the head and nudge me off in the right direction.

In 101, when "it's far too lesbianic out here for a young boy" - Brian sends Michael and Justin out to the jeep together, telling them he'll meet them out front. Has anyone ever written what's going on between Michael and Justin here, while Brian is in the hospital room talking to Lindsay?
Only a few minutes pass, any conversation they had would be fairly short, I would think. But I'd love to see a little fic of it, or even just a discussion somewhere of what might have happened.

On an unrelated note:
I'd love an icon from anywhere in the See the Light arc of Emmett that says, "Don't Go Into the Light" ...or something like that.
Has someone already done that?

[info]kari77 made two beautiful icons in response to this. Check 'em out! :)
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Not Exactly the Matching Undies of Love... [Mar. 12th, 2009|04:31 pm]

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The scene from 501 where Carl and Emmett meet in the kitchen in their underwear never fails to crack me up. I know it's this deep heartwarming male bonding moment, but mostly I just see them in their underwear and giggle.

Leather gagged lust bunnies locked in bedrooms?
Carl's discreet placement of the cranberry juice?
Fucking in the Rainforest?
You'd make one hell of a bear?

It just makes me so happy I would love to have an icon for it.
Are there any out there?
The scene is in this clip at 5:35.

OMG!!! [info]kari77 made us some amazing ones!!!
*happy dance*
Come See! Come See!!!!
(whoever thought anyone besides Debbie would be this excited to see Carl in his underwear?)
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Drabble or Icon Bunny [Mar. 12th, 2009|09:08 am]

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So [info]maxymama pointed out something totally awesome to me in regards to Ted and Emmett not believing that Brian wants Justin out of his life and out of his house in 108, after Jennifer drops off Justin's stuff at Brian's work. And I thought, I would just LOVE to read a drabble that takes this interpretation. It could probably fit into the current challenge over at [info]qaf_drabbles. Here's the conversation I'm referencing.

And an icon to that affect could get a lot of use!!!
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Cuz I WANTS IT, Precioussssss!!!! [Mar. 4th, 2009|06:59 pm]

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There's not enough Ted icons.

That's just wrong.

There's especially not an animated icon of Ted spitting out his coffee as he reads Brian and Justin's wedding invitation.

That's even more wrong.

Someone needs to fix that. I'm just saying.

ETA: [info]kari77 found the animated icon!!!!!! And [info]pfodge is gonna make us some Teddy icons, including the static spitting of the coffee, down below!

Does this fandom rock or what?!?!!
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~a humble request~ [Mar. 1st, 2009|10:48 pm]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

I was pondering life and all things important when I decided that we were being deprived of something in this fandom.

"What? What is it Bunny?," you ask dancing all around.

Well, I'll tell you. RIMMING ICONS. I've decided that despite having 3 myself that, quite simply, is not enough. I must have more.

Anyone out there feeling indulgent? You can use my caps from THIS. I'd love love love one from the cap where Brian's chin is resting on the small of Justin's back...just at the top of his ass. *faints*
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An icon idea... [Feb. 5th, 2009|05:41 pm]

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I suppose if I asked for an icon with 202 "fuck me better" sex and the text, "Brian's magical penis makes everything blue," people would think I was insane, wouldn't they?

ETA: Or maybe, "Brian's magical penis is the new blue"!!!!!!
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~an icon request~ [Jan. 28th, 2009|05:23 pm]

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[info]fun_demented and I were chatting about 308 at [info]qaf_marathons last night and somehow, I ended up needing this icon:

Brian, after he fires Justin and Justin kisses him with text that says: dead from the Justin!

I can cap it if you need me to or you're not sure which scene I mean.

*smackles the fandom*
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First kiss. [Dec. 29th, 2008|03:57 pm]
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[Current Mood | hot]

I was talking to [info]tweedygal about Brian and Justin's first kiss, and I would love to have an icon of it. Just when Brian slips his tongue into Justin's mouth. :P

just in case you don't have a clue what I'm talking about...;) )

In advance, thank you very much. ♥
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*never enough* (repost from my own journal) [Dec. 29th, 2008|10:10 am]
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Sorry if you're reading this twice, but I thought I should post this here too!

I know, I know...there has been a glut of Happy New Year icons in the last day or two, but I'd really like to see ONE MORE.

[info]maybe742 made this Babylon icon and I think it would make a GREAT Happy New Year icon. I don't know if anyone has that cap handy and would be willing to do it, but I thought I'd throw it out there and see what happens.

Hopefully, this will be my last request of 2008. But I'm not promising anything! ;-)
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QAF is love [Dec. 28th, 2008|06:51 pm]

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I need an icon... and by "an" icon I mean as many as every icon maker in this fandom can make :) It needs to say "QAF is love" or "Queer as Folk is LOVE" or any pretty little variation on font and text size and boldness and emphasis you wonderful icon makers can come up with. And it can be just text or it can go on any perfect image from this glorious show we all love so much. But seriously, I need this icon! We all need this icon.
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~a call for icons~ [Nov. 24th, 2008|12:44 pm]

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[Current Mood | rushed]

[info]andybj, if you're out there, I'm wondering if you'd make some Holiday icons of your cartoon Brian and Justin. I would so love a few of those.

Also, [info]dirtylttlescret had a great idea for an icon for me. It should contain porn and say: I'm Happier Bunny and I approve this porn...perhaps something animated. Any takers?
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*selfish, self-centered tweedy request* [Nov. 21st, 2008|10:24 am]
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Back during the Challenge in Two Parts, [info]pretty_words224 made a lovely banner, which is now gracing her journal. I loved it and we talked about her making me some black and white icons with the kiss pictures she used on the banner. I really *loved* the unique cropping, the grainy texture and the "sameness" (I can't think of a better word) that the black and white gave each kiss.

Sadly, RL has kept her really, really busy and she's not been able to make those for me. So, I'm hoping that someone else might be willing to take that same idea and make me some kiss icons similar to what she did with those...

The only thing I have to offer in return is drabbles, but I'd be more than glad to write you drabbles for anything you want if you want to make these.

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*icon need* [Oct. 11th, 2008|09:00 pm]
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I am mainlining S3 this week and am currently watching 313. There is a scene in the diner with Deb and Carl and Brian where Carl is telling Brian that the sperm in the condom Hunter gave him is Kenneth Rikert's. While watching, I had a deep and sudden craving for a Brian icon from that scene, specifically when he's looking angrily at Horvath, really close up.

Does anyone happen to know where I could find one of that? Or if not, anyone who'd be willing to make me one. I really want one of that particular look.
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