Brian/Justin IDEAS, PLOTS, REQUESTS [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brian and Justin Bunnies: plots, vids, graphics

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~a holiday fic request~ [Mar. 17th, 2009|10:38 am]

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[Current Mood | weird]

I posted this silly little poll at my IJ and it got me thinking. Yes, it's true, the world becomes a dangerous place when I think.

Anyho', I want a fic to match my poll:

Brian snarking at everyone who is drinking green beer at Woody's and then Justin getting Brian to try some with all the flirty, cajoling, sexiness he can muster.

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[Mar. 15th, 2009|11:53 am]

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[info]fun_demented got me thinking with this mention on her journal about Brian looking an awful lot like Walt Disney's rendering of Peter Pan. Which then made me think of how Brian and Lindsay came up with the Peter Pan/Wendy nicknames. Did his resemblance play a part in that? I think that would be a really cute fic, or even just a fun little drabble.

Unless it already exists and I just haven't noticed :)
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A short fic, and an unrelated icon... [Mar. 13th, 2009|06:13 pm]
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Hi everyone!
I'm still new around here, so if either of these have already been done, please just pat me on the head and nudge me off in the right direction.

In 101, when "it's far too lesbianic out here for a young boy" - Brian sends Michael and Justin out to the jeep together, telling them he'll meet them out front. Has anyone ever written what's going on between Michael and Justin here, while Brian is in the hospital room talking to Lindsay?
Only a few minutes pass, any conversation they had would be fairly short, I would think. But I'd love to see a little fic of it, or even just a discussion somewhere of what might have happened.

On an unrelated note:
I'd love an icon from anywhere in the See the Light arc of Emmett that says, "Don't Go Into the Light" ...or something like that.
Has someone already done that?

[info]kari77 made two beautiful icons in response to this. Check 'em out! :)
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Drabble or Icon Bunny [Mar. 12th, 2009|09:08 am]

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So [info]maxymama pointed out something totally awesome to me in regards to Ted and Emmett not believing that Brian wants Justin out of his life and out of his house in 108, after Jennifer drops off Justin's stuff at Brian's work. And I thought, I would just LOVE to read a drabble that takes this interpretation. It could probably fit into the current challenge over at [info]qaf_drabbles. Here's the conversation I'm referencing.

And an icon to that affect could get a lot of use!!!
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twins separated at birth? Ethan and Russell Brand [Mar. 10th, 2009|06:35 am]

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After seeing Russell Brown on Comedy Central and David Letterman recently, I am struck by how much Russell Brand looks like a bad incarnation of Ethan without the violin.

It would be amusing to have Brian and Justin somehow meet Russell Brand and have Brand pursue Justin -- much to Justin's dismay and Brian's annoyance.

Anyone want to write it?
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~fic request~ [Mar. 8th, 2009|04:13 pm]
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Maybe someone had this idea before me, but I would like to read something really dirrrty ,with B/J of course, in public transportation, like an taxi, a bus, train, subway.......
Somebody up for this??
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Any Fanfic Suggestions? [Mar. 4th, 2009|10:32 am]

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I am craving something RIDICULOUSLY IC of the S1, Post-513, or Late S5 variety (aren't we all? LOL). I don't really care for PWP if it does not somehow manage to convey a meaning or reveal something about the characters or their relationship (read: Brian and Justin -- and that doesn't mean it has to be serious, just saying something).

If you have a suggestion, I would love to drool over a link.


Note: My favorite story is the Only Time series, by Xie, so I've read that and most of her other great stuff. :)
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Betrayal vs. Sacrifice [Feb. 19th, 2009|08:57 am]

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I was thinking the other day about betrayal. When an otherwise ethical and matured person betrays someone he loves it's typically because *not* betraying that other person (B) would be of too great a sacrifice to person A. Or person A hasn't yet learned which decision will ultimately result in the greatest sacrifice for him...

This reminded me of Brian and Justin and their whole, "That's not love, that's sacrifice" philosophy. In other words, I would love to read a drabble or full-length fic that explores these themes. :)

ETA - Betrayal isn't only something that can happen between lovers. And this could be a time when they learn that it's *not* a sacrifice when you look at the big picture. It doesn't have to be a sad thing! I just think it could be interesting!
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[Jan. 24th, 2009|01:20 pm]

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[Current Mood | grumpy]

So, was reading one of [info]tweedygal's drabbles from her gift of 100 drabbles to the fandom and found this one:

Justin stopped drawing; his hand was cramping up. Grabbing two beers from the refrigerator, he handed one to Brian and joined him on the sofa. He leaned lazily against his shoulder. Brian never took his eyes off the TV, but idly rubbed Justin's sore hand. Justin tried to watch, but old movies were boring. What was so great about Brando anyway? He closed his eyes.

When he awoke, the credits were rolling and Brian was tugging at his jeans and kissing his neck. Justin smiled to himself. He didn't like Brian's old movies, but he loved when they made Brian horny.

Now, I want someone to continue the story...PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! ([info]tweedygal said it's ok so don't worry about that).

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*porn for Bunny's bunny* [Jan. 9th, 2009|09:54 pm]
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[info]happier_bunny asked for 312 "he already has, three times, with me" porn the other day, so I wrote it.

You can find it HERE.
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Brian and Justin take Oprah's sex quizzes [Jan. 9th, 2009|04:26 pm]

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No time to write it, but it begs to be written.

As part of her Best Life series, Friday is sex day with a therapist.

So it seems to me that Brian wouldn't touch this type of thing with a ten foot pole.

But I can see Brian walking into the diner where Emmett and Ted might be discussing the show and the quiz.

I can see Justin looking it up on line when they get back to the loft.

I can see Justin filling it out and Brian mocking him.

But wait, something catches Brian's eye - the sex toy quiz (which sex toy is best for you?)
Yeah, it might be a lark, but Brian would fill out this one, even if it was just for a joke.
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PORN NEEDED [Jan. 7th, 2009|04:51 pm]

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[Current Mood | horny]

I need porn.

I want porn.

It's sort of specific though.

I can't stop thinking about this quote: "He already has, three times, with me."

So writers, anyone out there want to give me those three times? Get Brian and Justin home from the bar...doesn't matter how or just jump right into the sex...

Any takers?
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Beta Request [Oct. 25th, 2008|01:32 pm]
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[Current Mood | chipper]

Hi, [info]happier_bunny suggested that I could post a request for a beta here. I'm going to be writing a small fic for the Spank challenge at [info]qaf_scavenger  I would appreciate if someone could help me out. I've got an idea going but I want to make sure I'm staying in character as possible and really need a little help with someone to slap me around a little bit. Thanks. -Morgan
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Drabble to good home. [Sep. 28th, 2008|04:44 pm]

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[Current Mood | creative]

[info]tweedygal wants some drabbles for the new theme at [info]qaf_drabbles and [info]jule1122 said she'd write some if I had any bunnies.

Well, I do have some bunnies and I thought I'd post them here so that if more than one person wanted to play, they could. Also, if you have bunnies you'd like to share, feel free.

Here's mine:

1. High Brian and Michael with Mikey teasing Brian about missing his woobie post 513. (What? It's totally canon.)

2. Brian and Justin stumbling in drunk from Babylon and Brian fucks Justin outside the loft because they can't get the door open.

3. Justin high in the loft bitching because Brian didn't stock the loft w/ munchies for his visit (post 513) so Brian reminds him that all an up and coming artist needs is protein. (shut up...that's canon too.)

4. Post 314 as they stumble in after Stockwell loses the election.

5. Justin and Daphne smoking a joint and watching -insert something funny-

I hope these tickles someone's fancy. hee
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QAF MAFIA [Sep. 25th, 2008|05:38 pm]
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Somehow this idea just popped out from my mind when I was talking to SherrySi.

Many people play this game when they are have a gettogether, I hope you guys know this game, 'cause as I know, it was originated in American, in case you want to know more about it, here it is:

Just imagine the gangs play Mafia in Deb's house, and what will happen?

I'm dying to know your idea.

*rubbing palms*

this is the first time I post bunny in qaf_bunnies, I don't know whether the tags are right or not, if I did something unsuitable, please remind me.

dirtylttlescret took this bunny and rocks!
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216 Birthday Gift--Better Outcome? [Sep. 21st, 2008|01:59 pm]
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[Current Mood | curious]

Ok, so I just watched 216, and although there is sad in there, one of my favorite moments is how excited Justin is that Brian got him a gift. Once the gift is unveiled that changes, so I was curious if there were any fics out there that showed maybe sometime in the future where Brian surprises Justin with a gift, but this time it ends happy?

I just love giddy!Justin and it'd be great if there was a positive outcome for him.

Thanks for any help! :)
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bunny... hippity hop [Sep. 20th, 2008|09:35 am]

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[Current Location |house]
[Current Mood | amused]

What would happen if Brian met Sarah Palin?
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Idea Needed [Sep. 12th, 2008|05:04 pm]

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H/C Fic

Post 513

At the 10-15 day mark when Brian should go see Justin in NY he doesn't because there's somthing huge going on with Brian that he has decided he must handle alone.

he does NOT:
have a bun in the oven
have cancer
have a fear of intimacy

so... what's wrong with Brian?
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AU bunny [Sep. 8th, 2008|01:20 am]
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[Current Mood | thoughtful]

So I have a plot bunny that is bouncing around in my head and distracting me from writing my stupid Contemporary France paper. A friend and I are in the process of rewatching season 1 and, mid-mocking Guillaume for being a ridiculous representation of French people, I started wondering what would happen if Guillaume had married Lindsay.

Would anyone be interested in writing a future fic from Gus's perspective about what happened after (in this AU) Guillaume and Lindsay got married? I'm curious how that would have all played out, cause I'm pretty darn sure that Brian would have not ever allowed Guillaume to adopt Gus, even if the marriage went through and I am interested in how that would have changed the "family" dynamic. Would Mel have been allowed a parenting role in Gus's life? Would Lindsay have continued to socialize with the group as a whole? Etc, etc, etc.

Other perspectives would be okay too. I just adore little Gus-Gus and like hearing from him all grown up.
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Request [Sep. 5th, 2008|09:56 am]
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Brian and Justin do the streets of San Francisco...not the Television show, the queers. Oh, maybe Emmett's there and it's Halloween? I dunno, SOMETHING!

Or make it a drabble for the new challenge; the first time the boys go on a trip together?
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