---☼ The Dust Keeps Accumulating on my Fic ☼---
...... .:: ...: .:::. .::.:..::.:. .: :. ..: ......

About procrastination
This comm is for fanfiction and original writers. I don't have any rules as of yet.

Anyone may post and comment.

Let us know what it is you do to avoid writing. Writing Block galore :)

procrastination is so laid-back, its not even funny. My other two comms are down to business, though.

You may be disqualified from this comm if you've never procrastinated.

December 2008
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---☼ comm maintainer's account ☼--- [userpic]
Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself and pimp your journals and comms here :)


Heya, here I am, introducing myself. I'm altogetherisi. I could be doing a whole host of other things, many of them really quite important, but instead I am here, writing this. In particular my fic tend to be at the bottom of my list of priorities, which is quite a pity because I love them so much. Just, rarely, y'know? One of the things I have noticed I do is moan that I have writer's block when actually I haven't had writer's block, or writer's anything, for weeks. Does anyone else do this?

Re: hello

Um, yes :)
It's not that I really have a writer's block either. Just that other things are getting pushed up on the priority list all the time. Right now I am procrastinating on running an errand; the errand itself is something to do instead of writing. I am procrastinating on procrastinating. Is that twisted or what?

Re: hello

I do that all the time. Procrastination squared :P

I spend way to much time constantly refreshing my Friends page. I don't even read everything on it I just refresh... and refresh... and refresh... One of the sad things is that I really enjoy writing, I love it masively, and its so satisfying to write and of course comments and reviews are some of the best things in the world. Its getting to start writing that's hard. I keep meaning to do so many things and I have a million plot bunnies *sigh* If I could just convince myself to begin...

Re: hello


I neglect my friends list. One thing I do all the time is checking if anyone have joined my comms. And when they do, I get all exited. In a way, having people join my communities feels like getting reviews. Sort of like a reward for work well done, hehe!


*introduces self*

Uh... I'm lazy. I don't know why I really write... It's not like I'm 24/7 searching for inspiration or playing with words or, hell, wanting to write. I might be washing the dishes or taking a bath or about to go to sleep and an idea just strikes me way too hard to ignore it.

To me, inspiration is not like a soft epiphany with coral music and light rays from above... nah, it's more like *CLUNK!* and I get hit on the head with a plot. Then, said plot gets a hold of my brain (think of a parasite) and starts eating it until the only thing left is a story. That's when I sit down and write my fingers off.

Two weeks later it's decided whether it'll live or not: if I'm still itching to write, it gets called monster#-"something" and stored into my hard-drive where it'll grow and grow and grow until it's finished (if ever). If by the end of those two weeks I'm like "uh... I should be writing that story... tomorrow", then it's most likely to sit dead for forever - or until inspiration decides my head isn't bruised enough and hits me again.

Re: Hiii!

May I speak in defence of laziness? It's not a bad thing as others try to make us believe. Laziness is a natural human condition. In fact, that's how we can tell the difference between humans and androids. Like a universal CAPTCHA test, hehe. You pass as a human :D

Your description of a personal creative process is eerily simular to mine.
Exept that I am too lazy to write that staff down.

Re: Hiii!

I'm horribly bad at proving I'm human with those little boxes of text you have to write in a text table, though.... I always get it wrong D:

Half-human, then? Or does laziness out-weight crap skills at focusing on anything for more than ten minutes straight?

Re: Hiii!

Every point fromentry just proves you being human :D It's confirmed now; no point of trying to wiggle out.

Re: Hiii!

YAY!! \o/

*is human*

I found this community about an hour ago, joined sometime later, found the introduction link (At the same time, I remembered I only had six days to finish the story I'm giving my friend for her birthday.)...then ate an orange. It was delicious, but unproductive.

I really don't know what I'm supposed to say. There are a lot of things I should be doing, yet here I am taking ten minutes to type what I have so far. I blame TV for that, though.

Welcome to the procrastinators lounge :)

I blame TV for that, though
I used to do that but now quit watching TV and still procrastinate on things. O.O

This comm is dedicated to a fine art of procrastination. We procrastinate with a smile and share different ways of procrastinating. Anyone is welcome to post any thoughts on the subject here.

So, how many words did you write on that story so far?

Hello all...
you mean finally a place where I can admit to how much I procrastinate? I guess I'm just really good at seeming like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing... dare we say closet-procrastinator? Anyway, I'm Cashew -- make room on the couch for me? ... ah, thanks!

This is the funniest thing I've read all day! Seriously! Welcome to procrastination; you'll fit right in :)

Hello, I'm Carol or Widget. And I'm procrastinating an actual graded paper right now instead of fanfic, but I do a bunch of that too. And the fact that there is a community for this is made of win and awesome. Are we allowed to post the fruits of our procrastination here? I have this tendency to photoshop stuff.

Welcome :)
...the fruits of our procrastination... LOL
Yes, anything done while procrastinating is fine (within reason, as we are not age restricted). Just add what you were procrastinating on while creating this staff :)

Because procrastination is actually productive and creative; it's not just doing nothing, hehe!

Wow... an asylum all about procrastination? Gotta admit, that was the last thing I expect I'd find. And considering I'm such an avid procrastinator, I figured I just HAD to join. :)

I was once told by someone to start making myself lists of things I want to get done during the day, and then I would use my time more productively. Um... didn't work. I made the lists, but, nothing ever gets crossed off, because things hardly ever get done. During school, I have a bad habit of putting off my homework until I finally have to pull an all-nighter so I can hand it in on time. I also have a story up at fanfiction.net that has been there for over five years and is still not finished. I'll update it every six months, or year, or longer, basically whenever I'm motivated enough to write a chapter. I blame it on writer's block, but truthfully, I'm just being too lazy to sit down and figure out a continuing plot....