---☼ The Dust Keeps Accumulating on my Fic ☼---
...... .:: ...: .:::. .::.:..::.:. .: :. ..: ......

About procrastination
This comm is for fanfiction and original writers. I don't have any rules as of yet.

Anyone may post and comment.

Let us know what it is you do to avoid writing. Writing Block galore :)

procrastination is so laid-back, its not even funny. My other two comms are down to business, though.

You may be disqualified from this comm if you've never procrastinated.

December 2008
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/peeks/ Hi~ 

I've always wondered about procrastination, like why it happens, how can it happen, but in the end, it just happens. XD 

What I should be doing: 

-Hw (lots of them)
-Violin practice 
-Finish chapter 2, part 2, for that ff7 epic fanfic of mine

What I'm really doing: 

-Listening to jrock
-typing this entry
-writing OTHER things besides my epic. 
-lurking in the internetz/reading fanfics



I can see a trend here (looking at other procrastination posts):

Homework, writing the story, practicing musical instruments gets procrastinated on.

Blogging one way or another is in :) (while listening to music)


And am still procrastinating. If anything, time can stop procrastination... sort of. XD Like, eventually once time is running out, people actually do the things they need to do... /muses/

Have you seen [info]squeaky's journal? He's got a poll going about IJ hosting :) I just spent all last hour reading through the comments.

XD ooooo, what was I doing? Oh yeah, I was lurking in other fandoms XD like the usual.

Lurking is in this spring season :D

in the end, it just happens

Yup, that's how it is for me. I could be going "ZOMG I HAVE TO FINISH 39463563 THINGS RITE NAO" and then.... find myself lurking the interwebz. Again.

XD Man, I guess I'll never figure out why it happens. XDD Darn.