---☼ The Dust Keeps Accumulating on my Fic ☼---
...... .:: ...: .:::. .::.:..::.:. .: :. ..: ......

About procrastination
This comm is for fanfiction and original writers. I don't have any rules as of yet.

Anyone may post and comment.

Let us know what it is you do to avoid writing. Writing Block galore :)

procrastination is so laid-back, its not even funny. My other two comms are down to business, though.

You may be disqualified from this comm if you've never procrastinated.

December 2008
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---☼ comm maintainer's account ☼--- [userpic]
Three new members :)

[info]_heart, [info]geshem, [info]shalotii are our newest members. Thank you for not putting joining this fine asylum off till tomorrow :D Good to have you here!
Procrastinate successfully.

(In addition a hug to all watchers and members: [info]_heart, [info]akuma_river, [info]altogetherisi, [info]balinesenoneko, [info]dani_meows, [info]darkrai, [info]geshem, [info]gothatheartholo, [info]kaesa, [info]shalotii)


*feeling flattered* At least I am good at something :P Actually it seems that every author is talking about writers block at one point or another. It doesn't stop at just writing either. Some people even get depressed about that. So, the asylum dedicated to procrastination is a natural decision. We procrastinate with a smile and a certain modest pride, hehe. Feeling good is in, feeling bad is out.

(You did nothing, sure, but it was quite amazing and artfully done!)

I used to be sad about not beig able to write past a certain point. Only a few months ago I learned not to care :P There are other priorities... like being happy :)

ps- Oh, my God. That phrase!

I'm using it from now on. I am!

Use away :)

I am off to bed now. Need to procrastinate on waking up for a while.