---☼ The Dust Keeps Accumulating on my Fic ☼---
...... .:: ...: .:::. .::.:..::.:. .: :. ..: ......

About procrastination
This comm is for fanfiction and original writers. I don't have any rules as of yet.

Anyone may post and comment.

Let us know what it is you do to avoid writing. Writing Block galore :)

procrastination is so laid-back, its not even funny. My other two comms are down to business, though.

You may be disqualified from this comm if you've never procrastinated.

December 2008
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---☼ comm maintainer's account ☼--- [userpic]
Not the Rules, Just Ideas :)

Why procrastination?
Why not? It was a sort of a joke, to be honest. But every joke holds some deep truths within. All people belong to their own fandom(s) of interest and there isn't much interaction going on. (Exept for fandom_wank, hehe!)

So, what are the common interests for all? Reading, writing and editing come to mind immediately. That's why my hp_polls comm accepts all those polls in addition to Harry Potter ones.

Another thing of common interest is the fact that at some point fanfic writers want to write Original fics and/or Poetry. I might make a comm for that too, although it would have to be closed membership to protect authors' copyright (never post Originals in public posts! Especially if you want to get them rewamped and officially published in the future)

Procrastination is another thing which is universal to writers (and non-writers, hehe!). If you have ever procrastinated studying for a test and then got all stressed out because you knew you are not ready - join this comm! This comm is for writers and readers and all procrastinators. You haven't touched your fic in three months? Welcome! *hugs*

This comm is totally laid-back; anything goes. Being mean to each other is discouraged. I see way to much fandom meanness as it is. No reason to make people feel like crap.

Place long posts behind lj cut. Consider what your posts will do to people's friend lists.
There is no limit on number of posts. Pics are welcome as well, as long as it's not outright porn.

Spamming? Oh, what the heck, why not :)
If you want to promote yourself, your comms and journals, or your favorite comms and journals which you don’t mod go to Introduce Yourself. I set the similar entry in all my comms. Sometimes people avoid talking about that staff in comments and posts for fear of being a spammer. Well, you can't be a spammer where your self promotion is welcome. Promote the heck out of your and your friend’s staff, no limit on contents and number of comments (Well, exept for the regular "be nice to people" and "don't use too much netspeak").

Search by tag, Introduce yourself, Post to this asylum and many other useful shortcuts are on the sidebar. The same goes for all my other comms. Finding staff and posting should be easy.

End of rant
