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Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


April 14th, 2008

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I never thought I’d be the one saying this but I’m bored.

Brennan, sweetie, I don’t suppose there’s any chance of a case is there? Or maybe a chance of a night out? I promise that we won’t get dosed with meth this time!

February 24th, 2008

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Okay. I'm going to count to five. Not six, not seven. Five. And if this doesn't make even the tiniest bit of sense? There will be severe consequences.

Presumably involving some sort of firearm.

February 23rd, 2008

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Not that I want anyone to die?

But if I don't get a new case soon, I might expire of boredom.

January 11th, 2008

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The case has been wrapped up, and the killer has been arrested. I've tried calling the Jeffersonian but no one seems to want to take my phone calls. I can't even reach Booth.

I'm actually almost worried.

January 1st, 2008

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Last night was Thank you for inviting me along, Angela.

Though, you didn't actually have to go through through with the whole New Years tradition thing.

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New Years, one of my favourite celebrations. All about the alcohol. I will be in Time Square, watching the ball drop. Do they still do that here?

So, I better say this now before I’m too out of it later.

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all have fun!

Edited to add: If anyone wants to come along, you're welcome to. Just no talk about death or crime or bones. It's a night off.

Oh, Charlie, Brennan, Zack, don't you forget that we're going dancing once the case is solved.

December 27th, 2007

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Ah, New York, come for the art and stay for the dead body in the basement.

Brennan, sweetie, please tell me you’ve been trying to enjoy the night life here in the city?

December 25th, 2007

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Dr. Brennan?

Do you think you could find me some keys to these handcuffs? I can't work while I'm holding her hands still.

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I believe it's socially acceptable to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

This would be easier if my family was here. They always help.

December 24th, 2007

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Dr. Brennan?

Did someone turn the lab into a hotel ... overnight? Because that is the most logical explanation I can come up with at the moment and it is neither plausible nor probable.

I am standing in the middle of a lobby and I don't know where to go. Did one of the other doctoral candidates for Engineering invent wormholes as their thesis project?

December 23rd, 2007

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Dr. Brennan. I've been going over the information you gave me, and I have some theories, if you want to meet and discuss them.

December 20th, 2007

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I'm not sure I like being here on my own. Without my team, and without Booth.

But at least I've got a victim and some possible suspects.

December 15th, 2007

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127. Mersenne prime. Oddly appropriate.

This is a lot different from Los Angeles. But I guess change is good.

December 13th, 2007

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I need everyone to please stay out of the basement of Tower B. There's a severely decomposed body and it's now a crime scene.

I really should have brought the rest of the team out here.
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