Prideview Random

January 11th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


January 11th, 2008

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I do not think this is where I am supposed to be.


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So, I need to actually do something this Friday night, not just sit around.

Dan, want to go see a movie or something?

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This place is new, but it reminds me of home.

I guess it isn't a bad place to make a new start. The 7th Heaven bar should be open for business in a week or so.

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Connor? Murphy?

We really need to talk. Like now. Come up to my penthouse please? It's important.

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The case has been wrapped up, and the killer has been arrested. I've tried calling the Jeffersonian but no one seems to want to take my phone calls. I can't even reach Booth.

I'm actually almost worried.

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New York, huh?

This could be fun.

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I have no idea how I managed to create a dragon. I think I summoned it from somewhere. You’d think, after doing magic since I was twelve, that I would have stopped doing things accidentally. Especially as most of time it’s just like breathing, and people don’t accidentally breathe wrong or anything, do they? Sometimes magic can be a right pain in the arse.

Other times it results in tiny dragons that enjoy sleeping on my head.

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John, is there anything you want to do for your fortieth birthday? I wouldn’t have mentioned anything but as you declared it in a public forum I figured that it was safe to ask.

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River. you want to go out for coffee?

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This is not amusing. And very confusing.

How am I in this body?
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