Sep. 8th, 2012


Live minimal, die unaffected

Who: Madison and Open
Where: Her room, and then the common room in the fourth floor
When: Mid-Morning

In which Madison realizes she'd be a lot more pissed if she'd had a normal life )
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Sep. 2nd, 2012


Dance into the fire

Who: Madison and Open
Where: The billiards room
When: Afternoon

So. Apparently things had been going missing from several housemates - and the kitchen - all day. From what Madison had been reading in the journals it was medication, alcohol, caffeine, sugar...So mind altering stuff, she supposed. It was a good thing she refused to take any kind of medication then, even the one the doctors had told her several times she ought not to stop taking ever. When she had a headache she took it out on something or someone and then went to sleep if it didn't go away. And if she had a cold she just dealt with it like a champ.

Needless to say watching everyone suspecting everyone else of grand theft was quite amusing to Madison, but it had gotten boring eventually. She was also in a weird, quite indescribable mood, which had made her end up in the billiards room dancing to something she'd put on random on the jukebox. Maybe she was missing the pub she worked at, since this room had a feel quite like it - although not so much now with the bar shelves empty as they were.

Jun. 24th, 2012


Group Event - Do Not Want!

Who: Avery, Jessica, Madison and Miles
Where: the ballroom
When: just after eight

The last thing Avery wanted to do was go to the dinner that was being held in the ballroom tonight. There was the problem of food that he hadn't seen prepared, and the unpleasantness of having to be in a large group of people. He'd spent the day changing his mind about whether or not he was going to go. Why couldn't he just stay in his room or maybe hide out in the library, where he didn't have to make conversation? Sadly, he knew why. If he didn't attend, he might be struck with those random cold spells again. He didn't know how and he might never know, but he was convinced that those had somehow been controlled by the scientists. It was too convenient that he'd felt normal the very second he'd been around another person, and then when he'd been alone again, he'd been freezing cold once more.

Reluctantly, he got dressed in slacks, loafers and a green button-down shirt, the most formal outfit he had with him, and after brushing his teeth and combing his hair, he left his room to go downstairs. Lingering by the door, Avery saw that there were a few other people in the room. He'd hate to be the first one there. He went inside, about to sit down at an unobtrusive table in the corner when he realized there were place cards at each seat. Blushing at his near-gaffe, he crept along from table to table until he found his name. Before he sat down, he glanced at the other names of the people assigned to sit here. He'd met both Miles and Jessica and had liked them fine, so he felt at least marginally better as he took his seat.

The food actually smelled terrific, and he thought that maybe it'd be okay to eat. Probably a chef had prepared it, and someone like that would be more likely to be clean with their hands and the utensils they used than a random housemate. Avery decided he'd wait for others to get here, because he'd feel strange sitting at the table eating alone. Plus, there were ladies at his table, and he'd been taught that gentlemen should never start eating until after the ladies had.

May. 13th, 2012


Pretty Sociable

Who: Spencer and open to ExB
Where: Spencer's room
When: Early afternoon

Spencer's arrival to the house had been quiet to say the least. )

Apr. 28th, 2012


Pushing buttons

Who: Madison and Open to ExB
Where: The common room
When: Early morning

The extreme heat never agreed with Madison, who was used to more balanced - or downright cold - environments. She hadn't slept well or for long, and by 8am she was on her feet, showered and dressed. Before she went to get breakfast, however, Madison decided to check her computer, and found the message from the scientists. Intrigued by it, Madison had scurried off to the maintenance closet as fast as she could, and upon opening the box destined for her and reading the message enclosed with the little device burst out laughing. This was going to be a fun day for sure.

Putting the little button device in her pocket, Madison rushed back to her room to check the ginger virgin's room and, well, push the button. The little message saying his room temperature had gone up filled her with glee, but this kind of power had to be shared. If anything, so people knew she held it. With the device stored in her front pocket Madison got herself some breakfast and then settled down in the common room, now fitted with a neat viewing station which Madison intended to take full advantage of.

Between spoonfuls of cereal and milk, Madison would press the button, and watch as the ginger from downstairs rolled around in the bed, fanned himself with various objects and, finally, jumped in the shower. And Madison laughed.

Mar. 8th, 2012


let's have our own party

Who: Daphne, Audrey, and any other ExBers that want to join in the fun!
When: 7 and on
Where: Daphne’s room

While Jai was setting up in the billiard room, Daphne was preparing for a little party of her own. A viewing party, of course. Not that there was a lot that could be done in the way of preparations, but she made sure her room was presentable and brought in some extra pillows from the supply of linens in case people wanted them. A few hours earlier she had made a request on her computer for party refreshments, and upon checking the dumbwaiter at 6:45 she was delighted to find that the scientists had complied. A case of beer, a pizza, and a massive bowl of popcorn. Daphne grinned from ear to ear and blew a kiss in the general direction of where she thought a camera might be. This almost made up for finding out that her top picks for the bet – Chris and Jamal – both had the personalities of feral cats with feline aids. Oh well, she’d find someone else. Or maybe there was a girl down there dumb enough to sleep with one of them. Assholes or not, they were pretty assholes.

Once the treats were set out on top of her dresser, she propped her bedroom door open with a pillow, and plunked down in front of her computer to see what was going on downstairs.


Who: Madison and Nate
When: Day 2; late afternoon
Where: Common area

For a while, Nate lounged on a sofa alone and smoked. )