September 5th, 2012

[info]housemods in [info]playinghouse


DAY 12
January 12, 2013.


EVENTS: If you thought things were quiet before… the house is all but dead today. Spencer, Trix, Thad, Miles, Chris, Mattie, Mick, and Abel have all been removed. Their rooms are empty. However, for the first time today, the scientists have not announced the removals. They’re simply leaving people to find out on their own. Hmm, what’s different about these removals?

But of course, they’re not all that’s missing from the house. All mind-altering substances are still gone… and so is, perhaps, a sense of individuality?

Everyone’s got their own creature comforts. For some people, that’s drugs or alcohol. There’s chocoholics and caffeine fiends. But today, in addition to everything else, all make-up, jewelry, and ‘luxury’ clothing or beauty items have been removed. What is defined as a ‘luxury’? Apparently anything that’s not a solid-colored T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. For characters who down own one or the other, they have been provided.

Spa products, such as facial cleansers or bubble baths, have also been removed. Shampoos remain, but conditioners are gone.

Yikes. Have fun, guys.