Aug. 23rd, 2012


I believe we have a score to settle

Who: Damon and Daphne
When: Late morning
Where: Damon's room

Daphne knew she'd be hurting tonight. As someone who didn't really smoke (please, she valued her skin way too much) and only drank to drunkenness once in a while, she also knew that she would be one of the lucky ones. Still, the caffeine withdrawal was already annoying her. She was the sort of person who functioned on tea, and really wasn't awake until she'd had her morning latte. She was having a slow day today - the drag of which was only redeemed by the knowledge of how much other people were already suffering. Camber's reaction thus far was a little dose of Christmas.

She watched on her computer for the better part of the morning, but finally convinced herself it was time to get up and do something. Still, she couldn't be bothered with dressing yet. The way she saw it, she had limited energy today. She could spend that precious energy on coordinating a proper outfit, or she could do something a bit more productive. Besides, in her silk and lace teal robe and with her hair up in a messy bun, she still looked better than any other girl in the house - even on their best day. She had things to do today. People would be teetering on the edge today, and she wanted to be the helping hand that nudged them over. She also wanted to check in with Rupert. But first, she probably needed to clear up her debt to Damon. She was annoyed at the conditions under which she had lost, but it wouldn't do to go back on her word so early in the year. She lazily tied the ribbon around her robe, and headed down to Damon's room. She thought about just letting herself in - if his door was unlocked, anyway - but in the end she decided to knock softly. God only knew what the crazy bugger was up to. Or who.

Jul. 20th, 2012


A Visit

Who: Damon and Spencer
Where: Spencer's room
When: late night
Warnings: R for language, innuendo

Damon was in the mood for company. )

Jun. 28th, 2012


Dinner for Four

Who: Damon, Mattie, Michael and Hannah
When: 8:20 p.m.
Where: Table 5, the ballroom

Damon was having a completely delightful day. He'd made inroads with the lovely Mattie the day before, he'd spent the morning watching porn and some of the afternoon watching what went on in the sitting room, and then he'd spent some time experiencing just about every sex toy he'd packed along. Oh, yes, he was a happy camper right about now. There was a smug smile on his face that wouldn't quit as he showered and got ready for the evening ahead.

He wasn't the suit and tie sort of guy, but he had a couple of nice outfits, because Damon liked to be prepared for any eventuality. He took the time to dry his hair rather than letting it go every which way, put on deodorant and subtle aftershave and dressed in his preferred evening look of black on black: knife-creased slacks and a dress shirt with pinstripes for a subtly textured look. Socks and polished shoes and he was good to go. After he'd spent about twenty minutes watching the party from on camera, he made his way down to the ballroom.

Once he was inside the doorway and started looking around, he noticed the placecards on the tables. Now, that was interesting. He put a pleasant half-smile on his face and went in search of his table. After a casual glance at the placecards, he had to work not to beam like he'd just hit the jackpot. Which in a way he had. Shy, mousy little Mattie, Hannah the strident blind chick, and Michael, about whom he knew very little. Well, that was all right. He'd find out soon enough. Oh scientists, from whom all blessings flow. Thank you.

Damon seated himself for the moment, waiting for someone else from his table to join.

May. 28th, 2012


Target Acquired

Who: Damon and Mattie
Where: the library
When: mid-morning

he thought about how he might present himself to the girl )

May. 15th, 2012



Who: Damon and Spencer
Where: the common room, then Damon's room
When: evening
Rating: R

an impasse )

Apr. 29th, 2012


Who: Damon and Nate
When: Day 6; midday
Where: Damon's room (presumably)

Damon hadn't come looking for him, or even made himself available as far as Nate knew, and so that meant he had to be the one to seek Damon out. )
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Apr. 18th, 2012


Heat Wave

Who: Damon and Daphne
Where: Daphne's room
When: around 4 p.m.

I always wanted to go to fuckin' Antigua, didn't you? )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Who: Damon and Nate
Where: Mostly Damon's room
When: Day 3; evening
Rating: R

Eventually, Nate lifted himself up from his computer chair and paced around his room as he decided what he could do to pass the time. )
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Mar. 21st, 2012


At Loose Ends

Who: Damon and Audrey
Where: fourth floor
When: midday

restless )

Mar. 16th, 2012



Who: Damon and Nate
Where: the common area
When: late night

the metaphorical road stretched out ahead, full of possibility )
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Mar. 8th, 2012


let's have our own party

Who: Daphne, Audrey, and any other ExBers that want to join in the fun!
When: 7 and on
Where: Daphne’s room

While Jai was setting up in the billiard room, Daphne was preparing for a little party of her own. A viewing party, of course. Not that there was a lot that could be done in the way of preparations, but she made sure her room was presentable and brought in some extra pillows from the supply of linens in case people wanted them. A few hours earlier she had made a request on her computer for party refreshments, and upon checking the dumbwaiter at 6:45 she was delighted to find that the scientists had complied. A case of beer, a pizza, and a massive bowl of popcorn. Daphne grinned from ear to ear and blew a kiss in the general direction of where she thought a camera might be. This almost made up for finding out that her top picks for the bet – Chris and Jamal – both had the personalities of feral cats with feline aids. Oh well, she’d find someone else. Or maybe there was a girl down there dumb enough to sleep with one of them. Assholes or not, they were pretty assholes.

Once the treats were set out on top of her dresser, she propped her bedroom door open with a pillow, and plunked down in front of her computer to see what was going on downstairs.