August 23rd, 2012

[info]housemods in [info]playinghouse


DAY 11
January 11, 2013.

WEATHER REPORT: Yesterday's dark skies = today's blizzard. It's extremely dark out there, and snowing so hard that visibility is reduced to just a few feet in front of you. Going outside is not advisable.

EVENTS: The house has been incredibly quiet since the party. No doubt our housemates are growing comfortable with their surroundings, and many may have developed some sense of security and daily routine. Well then, if that's the case, today probably isn't your day.

All mind-altering substances have been removed from the house.

This includes alcohol, cigarettes, street drugs, perscription and over-the-counter pain medication, and even caffeine and sugar. Yeah, deserts and snacks are pretty much non-existant in the house right now. These removals are not announced; your characters will have to find out for themselves. Considering they won't be able to find coffee or even have a nice jam on their breakfast toast, that's bound to happen pretty damn fast.

The only drugs in the house that were not removed were the various perscription medications needed to live. For example, if someone had asthma, their inhalers would not be removed. Antibiotics have not been removed, either. If you're unsure as to whether or not a medication of your character's would have been removed, please ask a mod.

[info]1inthechamber in [info]playinghouse

This shit ain't cute.

Who: Lina and open
When: 7AMish
Where: Kitchen

The heavy snow had persuaded Lina to forgo her outdoor morning run, and instead head down into the basement to use the treadmill. She liked running outside a lot more, but she couldn't deny that it was still a great step up from running anywhere at any time in Detroit. Since she didn't have the elements to contend with, she ran a little longer than she usually did. When she finally called it quits, all she had on her mind was food and a cup of coffee. Which probably explained why, after discovering the coffee wasn't where it had been the past ten days, she looked a little like she would have liked to punch somebody in the face. Goddammit, she had just gotten the hang of where everything was.

She headed into the massive pantry, and realized almost immediately that something was different. She wasn't really paying attention to what just yet, but it started to sink in right around the time she found six different brands of decaf, and a hell of a lot more caffeine-free varieties of tea than there had been yesterday. "Oh, oh, oh fuck to the no," she grunted, and then she really started digging around. Now that she was on alert, she realized one of the things that was very different about the pantry. There had always been a lot of soda in here. Towers of coke, mountain dew, and every other kind of pop known to man. Those were gone, too. Replaced with the decaffeinated variations, which she had always thought were kind of gross and pointless.

"This shit ain't cute," she mumbled, heading out of the pantry and basically slamming the door behind her. She hadn't meant to, but her morning coffee was being fucked with, and Lina wasn't the sort of person who responded well to any part of her morning rituals being borked. She headed to the fridge now, knowing just last night she'd seen a few of those bottled Starbucks drinks. They were gone now. In fact, the sight awaiting her in the fridge wasn't half as cheerful as it had been yesterday. It was all a lot less puddings and fruit juices, and a lot more veggies and old people food. "Oh, you dirty rotten motherfuckers..."

[info]_silvertongue in [info]playinghouse

I believe we have a score to settle

Who: Damon and Daphne
When: Late morning
Where: Damon's room

Daphne knew she'd be hurting tonight. As someone who didn't really smoke (please, she valued her skin way too much) and only drank to drunkenness once in a while, she also knew that she would be one of the lucky ones. Still, the caffeine withdrawal was already annoying her. She was the sort of person who functioned on tea, and really wasn't awake until she'd had her morning latte. She was having a slow day today - the drag of which was only redeemed by the knowledge of how much other people were already suffering. Camber's reaction thus far was a little dose of Christmas.

She watched on her computer for the better part of the morning, but finally convinced herself it was time to get up and do something. Still, she couldn't be bothered with dressing yet. The way she saw it, she had limited energy today. She could spend that precious energy on coordinating a proper outfit, or she could do something a bit more productive. Besides, in her silk and lace teal robe and with her hair up in a messy bun, she still looked better than any other girl in the house - even on their best day. She had things to do today. People would be teetering on the edge today, and she wanted to be the helping hand that nudged them over. She also wanted to check in with Rupert. But first, she probably needed to clear up her debt to Damon. She was annoyed at the conditions under which she had lost, but it wouldn't do to go back on her word so early in the year. She lazily tied the ribbon around her robe, and headed down to Damon's room. She thought about just letting herself in - if his door was unlocked, anyway - but in the end she decided to knock softly. God only knew what the crazy bugger was up to. Or who.