May 12th, 2012

[info]housemods in [info]playinghouse


January 7, 2013.

WEATHER REPORT: It's stopped snowing, but there's almost two feet of snow out there. If you're not used to that kind of stuff, maybe you'd better stay inside.

EVENTS: Even more removals! When will it end? Charles and Eden have been removed in Experiment A, and Osten's now gone from Experiment B! Each experiment has a new participant or two - Jessica and Mattie in ExA and Spencer in ExB - but it's gonna take a lot for morale to boost.

There are no changes for Rupert or Avery today, so let's hope one or both of them are starting to put together the facts - that they have relief if they're not alone. In this house, solitude will get you nowhere.

Once again, the participants of Experiment B hear from the scientists again.


We know you are all still very uncomfortable, and unfortunately, we will not be able to fix these issues until tomorrow when you merge with the rest of the household. If you can all just get through the discomfort for one more day, we are prepared to make it worth your while.

You will all find that you now have access to all private journal entries logged on the personal computers of the participants of Experiment A. What you read there may or may not give you the edge to reach your goals. However, we are prepared to offer you each one more gift.

We would like each of you to claim a participant of Experiment A. Once everyone has claimed a participant, you will have full viewing access to all private messages of your claim. Many have been corresponding over the journal system downstairs, and in some cases, this information is quite priceless. You may reply to this post from your computer to make your claim.

Additionally, Osten has been removed from the experiment. We have also replaced Christian. Spencer now lives in the room once occupied by Christian.

Choose well."