April 25th, 2012

[info]housemods in [info]playinghouse


January 6, 2013.

WEATHER REPORT: No big changes since yesterday, just more snow.

EVENTS: More removals in Experiment A are bound to have people feeling gloomy. Today Rosalind and Michael are gone. Ben, Camber, Emily, and James have been put in the house.

Avery and Rupert are still being plagued by the same extreme temperature problems – as long as they’re by themselves. The scientists have offered no explanations, so they’re left to draw their own conclusions and find relief wherever they can.

Today, Experiment B is in for a taste of some special treatment. In the morning, they will all find messages from the scientists awaiting them on their computers. It reads:


Please allow us to apologize for the great discomfort and you have all had to put up with the past twenty-four hours or so. The extreme heat you are all experiencing is an unanticipated side effect of our tests on Experiment A. We are trying to fix the problem with all possible haste.

In the meantime, please allow us to attempt to make amends for this great inconvenience. In the common room you will find a public viewing station, which had been mentioned as desirable by several members of Experiment B on the journals. We will have to remove this station once you merge with the rest of the house, but please enjoy it today and tomorrow.

We will be sure to send up a constant supply of ice, as well as any food or drink you request.

You have also each been given a gift. In the storage / maintenance closet, you will find ten large lockboxes. Each will have a different name. Your box can be opened by your room-key. Inside you will find a token of our apologies.

Finally, we regret to inform you that Christian has quit the experiment. We hope to bring in a replacement later today.

Thank you for your patience.”

Indeed there is a large display in the common room, consisting of twelve large monitors with access to the camera feeds. Rewards info.  )