April 7th, 2012

[info]_silvertongue in [info]playinghouse

just being neighbourly

Who: Jerrica and Daphne
When: Early afternoon
Where: Hall/Jerrica’s room, we’ll see if it moves

Experiment B had made it to the halfway point. Just a few more days and they would be unleashed free to roam the rest of the house. Daphne was more than ready. She was practically chomping at the bit. More or less, she felt confident that she knew what she would do down there. She had her preferred targets selected, and loose strategies planned in her head. While she still wanted to be watching practically all the time, she felt it would be wise on her part to make sure she had things squared away with the other participants of Experiment B.

More or less, she felt like she would get on fine with everyone. She enjoyed the company of everyone who had attended her little viewing party, and from what she could tell of Osten’s personality he was a fun one as well. At this point, she was the most curious about those in B she hadn’t had a lot of interaction with. She had decided to make it her priority to get to know these grey areas. She had decided befriending Jerrica would be the harder task, so that was where she started. She had met Jerrica once, and been unable to get a good grasp of who she was.

Other than poor white trash, of course.

Not that Jerrica needed to know that was the sort of impression she’d made! Daphne had every intention of playing nice. She'd even done her version of dressing down, which really just meant she was wearing a pair of jeans and a simple cardigan she'd spent too much money on. Shortly after lunch, and deciding there was nothing too pressing to be watching, she got up and crossed the hall to Jerrica’s room. She plastered a bright, friendly smile on her face, and knocked cheerily on the door. This should be interesting.
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