February 27th, 2012

[info]kissmyfist in [info]playinghouse


For Jamal and Skittles.

[info]1inthechamber in [info]playinghouse


for Skittles (that girl gets around) and Lina.

[info]housemods in [info]playinghouse


January 2, 2013.

WEATHER REPORT: No change in temperatures, though it may feel colder outside today as there is a slight north wind.

EVENTS: It appears that the experiment has started smoothly, and without a hitch. Our house-mates are still familiarizing themselves with both their new environment, and their new roommates. Experiment A participants will find something waiting for them in the morning, however.

On their desks, a tiny red light on their computer will be blinking. This light is not annoying enough to wake most sleepers, but noticeable enough not to be ignored upon waking naturally. Upon turning on their computer monitors, a message from the scientist awaits them.

“Good morning. We hope you are settling in comfortably, and all accommodations are to your liking. We would like to introduce you to the communications system found on your computer. On your desktop, you will find a program labeled Journal System. Here you can access your own journal, where you can post public or private journal entries. You can also view public entries of your housemates, and send private messages.

As part of your contract within the experiment, you are required to write regular journal entries. Today, we start you off with a prompt. If you access the Journal System now, you will find a prompt waiting for you to be answered. You will also find that your bedroom door is locked, and cannot be opened until you have answered it. Thank you, and happy writing.”

The prompt awaiting them? “What do you think you will miss the most about home?”

Those in Experiment B do not get this experience. However, they will find that they have viewing access to Experiment A’s journal entries.