Aug. 4th, 2017


who: Teddy & Vic
when: Friday afternoon/evening
where: Teddy's hut
what: filling spaces.

campfires & the smell of the rain )

Jul. 24th, 2017


When: July 24th, 8PM - July 25th, 2AM
What: A BALL!


  • The gin has been spiked with Elixir of Euphoria
  • The whiskey has been spiked with Veritaserum
  • Everything else, including the punch, is safe.

    Attendance is mandatory for a minimum of 2 hours from the time of arrival. Escaping the allotted perimeter (the beach) early will result in being re-apparated to the middle of the dance floor. Failure to show up by 9:30PM will result in being brought to the Ball wearing whatever it is your character happens to be wearing at that time.

    Please tag in to let us know what your characters did or to play! Playing is totally, 100% allowed.
  • May. 28th, 2017


    Who: victoire weasley
    When: sunday night
    Where: GLADoS
    What: opening gift

    vic never learns )

    May. 22nd, 2017


    who: victoire and tonks
    what: talking. maybe bonding.
    where: the jail
    when: monday evening.
    Read more... )
    Maybe Teddy had been right to be concerned with her safety.
    Read more... )

    May. 14th, 2017


    Who: victoire weasley (+ freddie & hugo as lookouts)
    When: sunday night
    Where: the farmhouse
    What: protest.

    added ARTISTICALLY to the side of the farmhouse )

    Jan. 27th, 2016


    Who: Victoire Weasley (if someone wants to tag in, they can)*
    What: Watching her good memory
    When: Wednesday afternoon
    Where: Pensieve
    Rating: Low
    Status: Complete as a log*

    Everything turned out perfect. )

    Jan. 18th, 2016


    Who: Teddy Lupin & Victoire Weasley
    When: Backdated: Sunday afternoon [can't let Sirius kill the mood]
    Where: Woods, Ice Cream Shop, Other?
    What: Teddy sacks up and views a future memory
    Status: IN Progress
    Rating: DaF because Teddy is always dramatic as fuck? lol

    But the monsters turned out to be just trees and when the sun came up, you were lookin' at me. Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods? Are we in the clear yet? In the clear yet, good. )

    Jan. 12th, 2016


    Who: Victoire & Hugo Weasley
    What: Walk & talk
    When: Saturday while it's sunny (backdateddd)
    Where: outside, starting by the forest
    Status/Rating: incomplete / low/mediumish

    the sun had been up for several minutes )


    Who: Fleur Weasley and OPEN
    What: A glass of wine, and a slab of truthfulness
    Where: Murky Waters
    When: Jan 12, Early evening
    Rating: Low to start
    Status: Open, In complete

    She had never been a particularly warm person )

    Dec. 25th, 2015



    At the foot of every (used) bed is attached a small red and white Christmas stocking. In it are two vials, one with a red label and one with a green label, as well as a letter, rolled up.

    Every letter reads:

    Happy Christmas my darling!


    In the hopes that we have many more wonderful Christmases together, I wish you and your loved ones all the best during this festive season.

    Please accept these memories; they are your own. The vial with the red label contains a happy memory from your future. The green label contains a sad memory from your future. Keep them as long as you like; they won’t expire. Watch them till your heart’s content; they are yours forever.

    Finally, tonight only, sleep wherever you like, with whomever you like; the ban on bed-sharing has been lifted.

    You’re welcome.

    All my love,

    Follow the cuts below to find the missing paragraphs for your characters:

    Alphard )

    Andromeda )

    Hannah )

    Katie )

    Regulus )

    Sirius )

    Penelope )

    Barty )

    Tracey )

    Albus )

    Marietta )

    Benjy )

    Justin )

    Marcus )

    Pansy )

    Merope )

    Astoria )

    Mafalda )

    Helga )

    Angelina )

    Hestia )

    Megan )

    Bellatrix )

    Rabastan )

    Rodolphus )

    Alice )

    Frank )

    Neville )

    Luna )

    Teddy )

    Remus )

    Marlene )

    Mary )

    Draco )

    Narcissa )

    Scorpius )

    Dorcas )

    Egon )

    James )

    Lily  )

    Lily Luna )

    Gideon )

    Lorcan )

    Lysander )

    Rolf )

    Tonks )

    Ted )

    Emmeline )

    Clint )

    Charlie )

    Dominique )

    Fleur )

    Fred )

    George )

    Hugo )

    Lucy )

    Molly 1 )

    Molly 2 )

    Percy )

    Rose )

    Victoire )

    Oliver )

    Aug. 27th, 2015


    Who: Victoire Weasley & Teddy Lupin
    What: comforting or drowning their feelings
    Where: the beach
    When: Saturday, 22nd [way backdated]
    Rating: tbddd

    I'm sinking like a stone in the sea, I'm burning like a bridge for your body )

    October 2017

    S M T W T F S




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