Feb. 16th, 2017


who: Bill & Fleur
what: Discussing werewolves and all that other parenting stuff.
where: Hut #7
when: Evening of 16th Feb
rating: TBC
status: Incomplete, closed

Ain't it funny that you're the only one I never looked for. )

Feb. 6th, 2017


who: Fleur Delacour-Weasley and OPEN
what: Finding her feet
where: Around the village
when: Backdated to Feb 03, morning
rating: Low
status: Incomplete, Open

she was still here )

Mar. 1st, 2016


Who: Fleur Weasley and OPEN
What: A spot of homesickness
Where: The beach
When: March 01, Afternoon
Rating: Low
Status: Open/Incomplete

It’s like I just stepped outside when everything was going right )

Feb. 21st, 2016


Hello hello!

Okay, so um. We didn't write it? But Fred and Dora are now married. YAY!!!!!! *confetti*

So it happened on Saturday at 1pm. It was a relatively small ceremony in one of the unused cottages. Alphard officiated, Ted gave Dora away (if Anna approves, otherwise Andromeda did), Andromeda cried, and George and Katie were Fred's groomspeople. Any other family or friends who wanted to attend were obviously invited, but it's possible the happy couple tried to keep it from Teddy so that he wouldn't interfere. >_>

They have been on their honeymoon (in that same cottage) for a day now and will only return to regular life on the island on the morning of February 23rd.

Tag in and let us know if your characters attended if you like!

Feb. 9th, 2016


Who: Fleur Weasley and Rabastan Lestrange
What: Struck by Cupid’s arrow…
Where: Next door to Decked Out
When: Feb 09, Mid-Morning
Rating: Starting Low
Status: Incomplete/Closed

Read more... )

Jan. 29th, 2016


Who: Fleur and Gabrielle
What: Catching up over coffee
Where: Homeskillet
When: Jan 29, morning
Rating: Low, to start with
Status: Incomplete, Closed

Looks like a flower but she stings like a bee. )

OOC: I think we can safely say all conversation in this thread is in French.

Jan. 12th, 2016


Who: Fleur Weasley and OPEN
What: A glass of wine, and a slab of truthfulness
Where: Murky Waters
When: Jan 12, Early evening
Rating: Low to start
Status: Open, In complete

She had never been a particularly warm person )

Dec. 25th, 2015



At the foot of every (used) bed is attached a small red and white Christmas stocking. In it are two vials, one with a red label and one with a green label, as well as a letter, rolled up.

Every letter reads:

Happy Christmas my darling!


In the hopes that we have many more wonderful Christmases together, I wish you and your loved ones all the best during this festive season.

Please accept these memories; they are your own. The vial with the red label contains a happy memory from your future. The green label contains a sad memory from your future. Keep them as long as you like; they won’t expire. Watch them till your heart’s content; they are yours forever.

Finally, tonight only, sleep wherever you like, with whomever you like; the ban on bed-sharing has been lifted.

You’re welcome.

All my love,

Follow the cuts below to find the missing paragraphs for your characters:

Alphard )

Andromeda )

Hannah )

Katie )

Regulus )

Sirius )

Penelope )

Barty )

Tracey )

Albus )

Marietta )

Benjy )

Justin )

Marcus )

Pansy )

Merope )

Astoria )

Mafalda )

Helga )

Angelina )

Hestia )

Megan )

Bellatrix )

Rabastan )

Rodolphus )

Alice )

Frank )

Neville )

Luna )

Teddy )

Remus )

Marlene )

Mary )

Draco )

Narcissa )

Scorpius )

Dorcas )

Egon )

James )

Lily  )

Lily Luna )

Gideon )

Lorcan )

Lysander )

Rolf )

Tonks )

Ted )

Emmeline )

Clint )

Charlie )

Dominique )

Fleur )

Fred )

George )

Hugo )

Lucy )

Molly 1 )

Molly 2 )

Percy )

Rose )

Victoire )

Oliver )

Sep. 24th, 2015


Who: Fleur and Louis Weasley
When: Thursday morning-ish
Where: Hut #12
What: Finding Fleur
Status/Rating: Incomplete/Low

He would know her anywhere. )

October 2017





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