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Friday, March 5th, 2010

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    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game
    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel RPG
    "Did you ever have one of those lives?"

    You inhabit a fantastical universe where anything can happen. Super powered beings exist, and living a sane life is no easy feat for anyone. In such an extraordinary world, an average day can be ruined by the strangest of threats; be it viral zombies, megalomaniacal criminals or assassination attempts. All just part of a normal day in a very abnormal world. You don’t even glance up at the shrill whine of sirens or the roar of a giant monster a few blocks over. In the sky above a caped character is flying towards the fray; a member of some super hero team or perhaps a lone vigilante. Maybe the monster is a mythical creature or an invading alien or a minion of the latest super villain. A van is hurled down the street followed by another angry howl but you go casually about your business- buy your newspaper, sip your latte- and mutter cynically to yourself,


    Oh Marvelous is an age 18+, social, thread based, third person, AU Marvel RPG played in real time (quite a mouthful). The game is set in present day. Although the game is New York centered, action takes place in locations all over the world. Plot is primarily player driven with occasional inclusive plots that affect the entire game. This game does not follow any set timeline or particular Marvel continuity. That means that pretty much anything goes.



    The Premise & What We Offer
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    Rochester, New York: The Italian mafia has been a quiet presence in the city, as well as the Bratva (the Russian mafia equivalent). Lately, a rapid increase of criminal activity has turned the heads of not only city officials, but those of the reigning Italian and Russian bosses. It seems a new faction has joined the organized crime ring in Rochester: the Irish.

    With a third party encroaching, Rochester's underbelly is on the brink of war. Alliances will need to be made, soldiers will need to be rallied, or factions might face certain extermination at the hands of the ruthless.
    Unfinished Tales

    Welcome to Unfinished Tales, the stories of the fourth age of Men. The shadow of Sauron has fallen, and the peoples of Middle-Earth pick up the pieces. An unknown darkness rises in the East and to combat this darkness the Halls of Mandos have opened letting out heroes with no memory of evil times. The elves who were to depart into the West postpone their journeys to help the Men who struggle with long-sleeping evils. This is the day to shine a light into the encroaching darkness - and age for strength and for glory. Will you not rise to determine the fate of Middle-Earth?

    Unfinished Tales is a Tolkien-based game set after the War of the Ring. We aim to further the tales at the end of The Return of the King as well as in the Fourth Age through the use of journals and AOL instant messenger chat. The quest for excellent roleplaying and a friendly community in the Tolkien fandom is one that never ends.

    Join us!


    Faramir, Legolas, Gimli, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, Celebrian, Celeborn, Curufin, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Aegnor, Angrod, Gil-Galad, Thingol, Melian, Beor, Brodda, Eomund, Finduilas, Huor, Hurin, Theoden, Tuor and Gollum!

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    Looking for Mutants XD
    Name: Logan (Wolverine)
    Game: [info]x_2012
    Fandom: X-Men
    Format: Threading
    Genre: AU with a bit of Canon added for flavor ;) NOT a school game
    Who you're in search of (and list as many as you want/need!:

    1. We are looking for someone who wants to either adapt or create an OC who serves as:
  • a counselor/psychologist [a mutant Doc Samson type], since we have several characters in dire need of guidance/direction/psych help
    ~ or ~
  • a spiritual leader/advisor/confessor [think a massively depowered, non-Sue Mr. M from The 198], for guidance/direction/counseling of a different kind.

    2. Beast (Good Beast, Dark Beast, Pre-fur Beast, it's all good.) He's a fantastic character and no X-game is complete without a well-played one? lol. Besides, if we get a non-Dark Beast, Logan could use someone who understands the feral changes in him who's not a psycho killer (Yeah, I'm looking at you, Sabretooth! *shakes fist*)

    3. In general: See other WANTED folks here
  • 10:06p
    Lost in the world grander than its dreams, a small town beckons you. Its name is Crystal Falls, nestled in the middle of one of the largest lakes of the south. For now, this town is safe, a haven for the mystical creatures of lore. They welcome you with open arms. Most are friendly like no other place in the world. More are coming, drawn to the power already here in this enchanted land, and by the powers of the ones long settled here. The promise of protection, friendship, family, normalcy, whatever it is you want out of your life is here and now. How long will it last? Who can you trust?

    Welcome to Mystic Realm.

    Game will begin Monday: 3-15!!


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