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Thursday, March 13th, 2008
8:51 pm - Submissions due in two days!

Just a friendly reminder that all submissions are due IN TWO DAYS from now, at 11:59 PM EST on March 15th! If you are not finished with your submission and have not yet contacted us about an extension, please do so now! Extension requests and any questions about submissions can be directed to

We're very excited about our second round here at Phoenix Flies! We'll start posting on the 15th and continue to post one or two pieces a day until the fest is over. It's looking like we're going to have a great round, with a lot of wonderful submissions already in the posting queue, and so we want to encourage you all to leave feedback for our wonderful authors and artists.

One final announcement before posting starts - the drabble-a-thon, which was scheduled for March 22nd-March 23rd, is going to be postponed until the following weekend (March 29th-March 30th). One of our mods had a scheduling conflict with some real life obligations, and it does take all three of us to ensure that hourly prompts are posted throughout the whole weekend. We're sorry about the schedule confusion, but hopefully the additional week will give you some extra time to put your drabbling hats on!

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Tuesday, March 11th, 2008
10:18 pm - Mod Post: Banners and Icons and an ETA to the Guidelines for Posting

Hi guys,

As some of you who were around during the first round of [info]phoenix_flies know, [info]twilightsorcery was kind enough to create this gorgeous piece of artwork for us to use for banners and icons.

click for full view of artwork.

Using [info]twilightsorcery's artwork, we've created a couple banners and an icon for you to use to put in your user info or to pimp your pieces once they are posted, if you'd like!

phoenix flies banners and icons )

If you choose to use the banners and/or icon, please upload to your own space and link from there, do not hotlink these images directly. If you need help in doing this, comment here or email us, and we'll be sure to explain further.

Also, we've found out that when using moderated posting, each member will only be able to have one post in the queue at a time. If you claimed two prompts and have two pieces to post, please only submit one initially. Once it is posted, you will be able to submit the second one to the moderation queue. We apologize for the inconvenience, but sadly this isn't something we can fix.

If your fic is longer than 10K, or you suspect it might be: Please email us or comment here. We will be hosting those fics off-site to take care of the problem of not being able to submit two posts at once.

Please be sure to check out the guidelines already posted here before you submit your piece to the community. If your post is rejected, it is likely due to the post not following the guidelines. If your email address is readily available, we will email you to let you know what the issue is and why the post was rejected, then you can fix the error(s) and resubmit it to the queue. It will most likely be a formatting problem or a lack of an lj-cut, so please double-check your post before submitting it. You can easily do this by previewing the post or making a private post in your own journal (only visible to you) to make sure everything looks okay.

If it is just a minor problem (for example, you left the subject blank on accident) we will likely go ahead and let the post through and comment on the entry so you can edit and fix the error.

Please note: If you use the rich text editor rather than the html editor to post your piece, you will have to reformat the header in rich text.

Again, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment and/or email us at festmods @

Just a few more days until we start posting! :D


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Saturday, March 8th, 2008
5:02 pm - One week left!

Please remember, your submissions are due on March 15th, one week from today! Please take a few minutes to read and follow these guidelines for posting your submissions.

Guidelines for Posting:

1. The community is now open for moderated posting from all members. (If you're not a member, please go ahead and join the community now.)

2. We'll be accepting submissions (fic and art) from now until the deadline. If it looks like you're going to need an extension, please contact us as soon as possible ( and be specific - tell us how long you think that you're going to need to finish. We want this to be a low-stress, fun-filled fest, but we'd also prefer to get everything posted within a reasonable time frame!

3. All submissions must be betaed, no exceptions! If you are looking for a beta, you can look here or at any of the beta-resource communities. If you're absolutely and completely beta-less, e-mail us and we'll try to find someone for you.

4. Once you are finished and ready to post, please follow these formatting guidelines!

-The title of your post should look like this: Title (Characters/Pairing, rating)
The True Story of How Harry Potter Defeated Voldemort (Padfoot, Scabbers and a squeaky toy, R)
The Way to a Woman's Heart (Luna Lovegood/Marietta Edgecombe, NC-17)
Making Dreams (Harry/Draco, PG-13)

-You must use an lj-cut after the header, no fake lj-cuts (i.e. fics must be posted to the community itself, not to your own journal) and no exceptions. If you don't know how to use an lj-cut, go here or e-mail us if you need more help.

-If you are posting art, it should contain the following header information:

-If you are posting art, please feel free to use a thumbnail (although if you prefer not to use one, that's absolutely fine too). Your art should be hosted off-site - please let us know if you don't have a place to upload your art, and we will make arrangements for you.

-If you are posting fic, it should contain the following header information:

-As a reminder, fics should be at least 500 words in length. Last round, we set a limit of 5000 as the maximum and didn't strictly enforce it. Fics that are longer than 5000 words are fine for this round, but this was never intended to be a fest where we'd all write the next great HP novel. It's meant to be low-stress, after all.

That said, there's really no reason why anyone's fic should require more than one post or be long enough to need hosting off-site (10,000 words or more). If you're finding that your fic is approaching that limit, please e-mail us so that we can discuss it.

5. Once everything is set, you may want to use the Preview function to make sure that your submission looks exactly the way that you want it to. (Alternatively, you can make a private post to your own journal to look it over.)

6. When you're completely satisfied with the way your submission appears, go ahead and post it to [info]phoenix_flies. (Please do not post your work elsewhere until after our fest is over.)

7. After the deadline (March 15th), we'll start approving posts! Sit back and enjoy, and please remember to leave comments for the artists and authors that have worked hard on their submissions. They appreciate feedback just as much as you do!

(22 comments | comment on this)

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
8:22 am - Friending Frenzy Wrap-up and a Call for Betas

Thank you, to all of you who participated in our friending frenzy, pimped it, and helped to make it a success! We had a great time this weekend!

While we aren't kicking anyone out - feel free to hang around on that post and continue to make new friends, if you like - it's also time to start turning our attention to the writing and drawing part of this fest. All fics and art are due on March 15th, less than a month from today!

During our last round a couple of participants ran into some trouble finding a beta at short notice. To make things a little easier for our writers, we decided to do a call for volunteers.

If you’re willing to help out, please leave your details here, using this template:

Thanks! :)

(8 comments | comment on this)

Friday, February 15th, 2008
8:44 pm - Round Two Friending Frenzy

Welcome to the Phoenix Flies Friending Frenzy! Pull up a chair, grab a margarita, and chase away the winter blues by making some new friends!

To participate, fill out the following in a comment below:

And then friend away all weekend! Have fun!

(570 comments | comment on this)

Monday, February 11th, 2008
8:28 pm - Mod Post: Upcoming Events

Hi guys!

We hope everyone is having fun with their claimed prompts so far! And just as a reminder, if you haven't claimed any prompts or have only claimed one, you can claim another prompt at any time. The claiming period is open throughout the fest, and there's still plenty of prompts out there free for the taking. The claiming post is here.

Mark Your Calendars

We have two other events that everyone is welcome to participate in, regardless if they submitted a prompt or claimed a prompt or are even members of the community. These are the friending frenzy and the drabble-a-thon.

The friending frenzy is going to be held this upcoming weekend, February 15th - 17th. Meet old friends and make new friends on IJ!

The drabble-a-thon is going to be held March 22nd - 23rd. Your mods (with the help of some volunteers) will post one prompt on the hour, every hour for forty-eight straight hours for your drabbling/drawbling pleasure. The person that drabbles/drawbles the most will be awarded a nifty banner that they can display wherever they wish. This is a great way to relax and let the muse flow.

We hope everyone can join us for both of these events. We'll see you on Friday!

Again, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please leave a comment here or contact us at festmods @!

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2008
9:37 pm - Round Two Prompts, Continued!

Phoenix Flies Round Two, Prompts part 2

We had so many prompts submitted, we had to separate them into two posts! These are the quote or quote-inspired prompts:

Prompts, part two )
9:31 pm - Claim your prompts here!

Phoenix Flies, Round Two: Prompt Claiming!

Some simple rules for starters:

1. You may claim up to two prompts.

2. Each prompt may be claimed once for fic and once for art. Because of the possibility of double claims, please wait for a moderator to acknowledge your claim before assuming that the prompt is yours.

3. Any prompt may be used for gen, het, or slash. This is not a pairing-specific fest: if a prompt specifies a pairing, you do not need to use that pairing. If a prompt is listed under a certain character's name, you do not need to use that character as the POV character/narrator.

4. If you are going to be out of town or away from the computer on January 29th and are worried about not being able to claim a prompt, someone else may claim for you on your behalf. Just make sure they put your username somewhere in the subject line or in the comment itself.

5. Fics need to be at least 500 words and beta-read. Art obviously does not have a word-minimum but should be a bit more than a drawble.

6. All fics and art are due by March 15th, and should be submitted directly to [info]phoenix_flies for moderated posting. (We will have more information about posting formats at a later date)

7. Please fill out the following form completely to claim a prompt:

We had so many prompts we had to divide them up into two posts! However, all claims should be left as a comment to this post.

And now, without any further ado, on to the list of prompts! )

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Monday, January 28th, 2008
11:33 am - Reminder - prompts due

This is just a reminder that we are closing the prompts post at midnight, EST (That's GMT - 5) - so you have just a little over twelve hours to submit prompts!

Also, remember that prompts should be HP-related and should not be ship-specific. The mods do reserve the right to eliminate prompts that do not follow our guidelines.

We'll open prompts for claiming starting tomorrow, January 29th, and we'll post more guidelines about prompt claiming then. Stay tuned! :)

(3 comments | comment on this)

Friday, January 25th, 2008
10:19 pm - Mod Post: Announcement about Prompts

Hi guys,

We were starting to gather the prompts together in preparation to open up for claims on Tuesday and we noticed that there are a lot of prompts based on icon quotes and comic strip quotes and other book sources. We realize that while quotes can be a source of inspiration, unfortunately they don't fall under our guidelines stated here.

If anyone would like to use quotes as part of their inspiration for creating fic and/or art in concert with their claimed prompt, they are more than welcome to surf through the comments in the open for prompts post, however they will not be up for claiming during this round.

We apologize for the confusion.

We do have a drabble-a-thon coming up in March in which we will post prompts every hour on the hour for a whole weekend. We would love to use some of these quotes then, and of course we would credit you for sending them our way.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please reply to this post or email us at

Thank you,

Phoenix Flies Mods

(1 comment | comment on this)

Thursday, January 24th, 2008
11:59 am - Reminder to Submit Prompts

Hi guys!

We just wanted to remind everyone that you can submit your prompts here for round 2 of the [info]phoenix_flies fest! Don't forget to read the Rules and Guidelines first.

We will be accepting prompts until Midnight on January 28th, so make sure you get them in before then!


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Monday, January 21st, 2008
5:32 pm - Submit your prompts here!

[info]phoenix_flies is starting its second round, and we are thrilled to open it up for prompts again! You may leave your prompts here, as comments to this post. Feel free to leave as many prompts as you like, and remember that submitting prompts doesn't commit you to participate in our fest. Anyone can prompt!

We'll accept prompts for the next week - through January 28th - and then we'll open it up for claims.

Check out our Guidelines for Prompts and Claiming and feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

(141 comments | comment on this)

2:29 am - Mod Post: Guidelines for Prompts and Claiming

Guidelines for Prompts and Claiming Prompts:

Before we open up to receive prompts in a few hours, we just wanted to post a few guidelines for you guys to keep in mind while you're brainstorming away, and also to clarify a few questions we've been asked.

Guidelines for Prompts and Claiming )

(24 comments | comment on this)

Thursday, January 17th, 2008
12:36 pm - Mod Post: Pimping Banner

Hi guys!

We whipped up this quick banner so you guys could use it to pimp around if you want!
The original artwork for this piece was created by the lovely and talented [info]twilightsorcery.


Here's the code if you want to just cut and paste:

We open up to receive prompts on Monday! See you then!

(7 comments | comment on this)

Monday, January 14th, 2008
5:13 pm - Return of Phoenix Flies

Hi guys!

We wanted to announce that we will be doing another round of the [info]phoenix_flies exodus fest as the last one was a great success. From the results of the poll, and a few other factors, there will be a few changes this time around. Before we open up to receive prompts, we wanted to go ahead and go over those changes with you.

Changes in the Fest )

We still want this to be a fun-filled stress-free fest like the last round so anything goes! Slash, gen, het, whatever. Fics should still be at least 500 words and beta-read and art should be a bit more than a drawble, but really, we still want this to be low-key and fun.

Calendar of Events )

Questions or Comments? Please leave a comment here or email us at festmods at

Thanks everyone! We're really looking forward to another great fest!

Phoenix Flies Mods
[info]chiralove, [info]kaycee, and [info]sdk

(21 comments | comment on this)

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007
4:01 pm - Mod Post - Feedback poll

Hi guys!

Now that the fest is officially over, we'd love to get some feedback about the festival overall and ideas for the future of [info]phoenix_flies. So if you have a moment, we'd appreciate it if you could fill out this poll.

Poll #668 Fest Feedback Poll
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

What was your favorite part of the Phoenix Flies Exodus Festival?

View Answers

prompts - giving and fufilling
13 (52.0%)

friending frenzy
9 (36.0%)

the read n love a thon
5 (20.0%)

the drabble-a-thon
5 (20.0%)

all of the above equally
7 (28.0%)

What was your least favorite part?

View Answers

prompts - giving and fufilling
0 (0.0%)

friending frenzy
2 (15.4%)

the read n love a thon
5 (38.5%)

the drabble-a-thon
5 (38.5%)

all of the above equally
1 (7.7%)

What do you think the mods could have done better? (feel free to comment if you run out of room)

Would you be interested in participating in Phoenix Flies again?

View Answers

19 (76.0%)

0 (0.0%)

6 (24.0%)

If so, any suggestions for the next fest? (please comment if you run out of room)

Would you be interested in writing and/or drawing for one of the unclaimed/abandoned prompts?

View Answers

9 (36.0%)

1 (4.0%)

15 (60.0%)

If yes, do you think...

View Answers

they should be included in the next fest along with fresh prompts
10 (47.6%)

they should be included in a mini-fest all of their own
4 (19.0%)

free-for-all; open up posting to all the members and allow them to post stories/art whenever they finish
11 (52.4%)

other (comment please)
0 (0.0%)

Any other feedback? Feel free to leave it here or in a comment!

Please feel free to comment below if there's not enough space for your answers in the poll above. If you'd feel more comfortable sharing your thoughts via email, feel free to pass along your feedback to festmods at Thank you very much for your time and feedback!

Phoenix_Flies Mods

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Monday, December 3rd, 2007
5:35 pm - Mod Post - Masterlist of Fics and Art

Hi guys!

As promised, here's the Masterlist for the fest, organized on the first list by prompts, and the second alphabetical by Author/Artist usernames for easy browsing. Thanks again to everyone for making this festival a success!

Organized by Prompt )

Organized alphabetically by Author/Artist )

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Saturday, December 1st, 2007
11:39 am - Final Friending Frenzy!

Hurrah! We've had a fabulous fest, and we have to thank all of you for making it possible. Artists, writers, commenters, squee-ers, drabblers, drawblers, volunteers ... thank you all so much!

We'll be posting our masterlist, showcasing all of your work, on Monday, but in the meantime, please enjoy our closing community event - the final friending frenzy. Come in and hang out, make some new friends, and pimp it to your f-lists so that they can make some new friends, too! If there's someone who's fic you've admired, a new artist you found here and fell in love with their work, one of our prolific drabblers who particularly impressed you ... go on and friend them! The more friends the merrier, especially come the holiday season. :)

So, without further ado, here's the template:

Fill it out, make friends, and pimp it! Have fun!

(305 comments | comment on this)

Thursday, November 29th, 2007
9:28 pm - Mod Post - End of Fest Announcements

Hi guys,

As all of the stories and art have been posted, we're coming up to our last event this weekend: The Closing Friending Frenzy! It will work the same as the first friending frenzy with a few new questions, and give everyone a chance to make some new HP friends.

We also wanted to give you guys a couple of banners and icons as our thanks for participating and making this festival a success. Again, special thanks to [info]twilightsorcery for providing the gorgeous fanart.

banners and icons )

We will have the masterlist for all of the fic and art up on Monday December 3rd and also a poll for feedback on the fest shortly after the friending frenzy.

Thanks! See you this weekend!

Phoenix_Flies Mods

(6 comments | comment on this)

Saturday, November 24th, 2007
5:27 pm - Fest Fic: The Trouble With Bubble-Wrap

Title: The Trouble With Bubble-Wrap
Author: [info]quite_grey
Prompt: #51. Fun with bubble-wrap.
Pairing: H/R, H/R/Hr
Rating: R
Word Count: 3128
Warnings (if any): None
Author's Notes (if any): Sorry this ended up being so late; I blame school, life, and the general state of affairs in America. ;)
Beta: Thanks for the help and moral support, [info]sdk!

The Trouble With Bubble-Wrap )

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