The Phoenix Flies

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Sunday, October 21st, 2007
7:00 pm - Fest fic: One Selfless Act

Title: One Selfless Act
Author:Star [info]conspiratorsb
Prompt: 26: Voldemort meets Dumbledore in Death. Madness ensues.
Pairing: Implied Dumbledore/Riddle
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~2000
Warnings (if any):Mild language and sexuality
Author's Notes (if any): More fluff than Crack! But it was a cute little plot bunny. Thanks so much to my fabbity betas! *bug squishy higs*

One Selfless Act )

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Saturday, October 20th, 2007
12:59 am - Fest Fic: Will you walk into my parlor? said the spider to the fly.

Title: Will you walk into my parlor? said the spider to the fly.
Author: [info]calico_jynx
Beta: [info]ladykryyn thank-you *hugs*
Pairing: Bellatrix/Regulus
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 2545
Warnings: Incest, restraints, insanity
Prompt: #37 - Regulus is unsure about joining Voldemort and goes to his aunt Bella to talk. She seduces him to the Dark Lord's side. Feel free to interpret 'seduction' any way you like. Regulus’s point of view and beautiful Bella very appreciated. for [info]crimson_vipera.

AN – Thanks [info]kit_84 for general neurosis support :*

Will you walk into my parlor? said the spider to the fly. )

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Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
6:13 pm - Fest Fic: Dark Angel

Title: Dark Angel
Author: [info]ivylady
Beta: [info]sweetmelodykiss. Thanks a lot, dear!
Word Count: 3,018
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: #31--Snape/Harry with female!Snape. I would prefer it to take place during school with Snape being in a position of authority over Harry. I would be especially interested what difference in her character, if any, it would make for Snape to be a woman. Snape's name is Seraphina Snape.
Warnings: Het sex, rimming, cunnilingus
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the persons, places, objects, beings or things mentioned in the books and movies. All rights belong to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Brothers, and their subsidiaries. No copyright infringement intended. I'm just playing with them.

Dark Angel )

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Monday, October 15th, 2007
5:30 pm - Prizes!

(Image heavy:beware dial-up users)

Hi guys!

Sorry for the delay, but we finally have the prizes together for the read-n-love-athon and the drabble-a-thon!

First of all, we want to thank [info]twilightsorcery for creating a gorgeous piece of art that we used as the base for all these prizes.

click for full view

read-n-love-athon )

drabble-a-thon )

Congratulations, everyone!

Please join us in thanking [info]twilightsorcery again for creating such a beautiful piece!

Also, if you guys could save and upload the images to your own image host, we'd appreciate it.

We will be creating a banner and icon set for everyone who's participated in the [info]phoenix_flies exodus fest as well, so look for that soon! Thank you all for making this fest such a success!

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11:30 pm - Fest Fic: Snape Charmer

Title: Snape Charmer
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Beta: [info]florida_minxie
Word Count: 2592
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Severus Snape
Prompt #17 by [info]peachka: Charlie decides it's time to open the box hidden in the back of his wardrobe.
Warnings: DH spoilers, angst, rimming, m/m
Author Notes: I wrote this in the spirit of the [info]phoenix_flies theme of rebirth/renewal.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Charmer )

(12 comments | comment on this)

Thursday, October 11th, 2007
3:52 pm - Fest Fic: Aggrieved

Title: Aggrieved
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Prompt: 22. Spoilers: The Headmaster is alive and Hogwarts knows it. The Castle wants its Snape back!
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: NC-17/Adult
Word Count: 6500ish
Disclaimer: The Potterverse belongs to JKR and her designated subsidiaries – I just play in it. This is a work of fiction written for the sheer pleasure of it and no money is earned.
Highlight for Warnings: *Underaged – Harry isn’t quite 18 in this, bath!sex, frottage/mutual wanking, innocent!Harry*
Betas: [info]rakina and [info]jadzia7667

Aggrieved )

(43 comments | comment on this)

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007
4:53 pm - Fest Fic: Something To Remind Me

Title: Something To Remind Me
Author: Bridget McKennitt [info]bridgetmkennitt
Prompt: "I want a child with you. Why? Because one day you will leave me and I'll be alone."
Pairing: Harry/Snape and Snape/Lily, with minor Harry/Ginny
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2857
Warnings (if any): DH spoilers
Author's Notes: Used Rowling's words from the ending scene in Chapter Thirty-Two. What can I say? It sets the tone.
Beta: [info]joanwilder

Something To Remind Me )

(28 comments | comment on this)

Monday, October 8th, 2007
11:04 pm - Drabble-a-thon: Winners and Masterlist

Our Drabble-a-thon was an amazing success, thanks to all of you who participated and commented and pimped! Thank you all so much!

We had an amazing total of 156 drabbles written ... that's right, one hundred and fifty-six drabbles for our forty-nine prompts. Without further ado, we want to acknowledge the fabulous efforts of our drabblers -- and our winners are )

Congratulations to all of our winners and participants -- we'll be posting details about prize icons and banners shortly. In the meantime, however, we are all winners, with so many drabbles to read and love! Please do check out our masterlist: read any of the drabbles that you may have missed in the flurry of posting, leave comments and love for all of our participants, and enjoy!

Drabbleathon Masterlist )

Thank you all again for participating and making this event a huge success! One hundred and fifty six drabbles -- you're absolutely fabulous!

And finally, just two reminders:

We have one more community event left -- our closing Friending Frenzy. Watch for details on that coming soon, and take the opportunity to make new friends with all of the people you've met here during the course of our fest, if you haven't already.

We also want to remind you all that your fics are due on or before Halloween, October 31st, so please send them to as soon as you have completed them. Other than that -- sit back and enjoy the rest of the fest!

(6 comments | comment on this)

Friday, October 5th, 2007
4:35 pm - Drabble-a-thon: just a few more hours to go...

Hi guys,

As previously announced, submissions for our drabble-a-thon, which has been a great success so far (thank you again to all who participated!), will close at midnight EDT. So you still have a few hours left to submit those last drabbles.

On Monday we’ll post a Masterlist, and we’ll also announce the winners.

Thanks again, everyone, for your enthusiasm!

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Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007
12:46 pm - Fest fic: Truths

Title: Truths
Author: [info]suemonroe
Beta: [info]rakina
Word Count: 6042 (yes, yes, I know. I am far too wordy.)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Prompt: #55 Teacher/Student scenario. Some sexual flirtation and teasing in class, clandestine of course, UST till end.
Warnings: DH spoilers
Disclaimer: Characters belong to J.K. Rowling and not me.

Truths )

(48 comments | comment on this)

Monday, October 1st, 2007
4:14 am - End of the Drabble-A-Thon

Okay, that's it, the last prompt for the Drabble-a-thon has been posted. We've been pleased and amazed by your wonderful and creative responses to them, so far. Thank you all for making this event a success!

We also want to thank two volunteers who made a huge difference, helping us post the prompts and making the drabble-a-thon run smoothly: [info]snapesgirl and [info]ivylady, thank you both so much!

It's not over yet, though. You can still continue to write drabbles for all the prompts throughout next week, but make sure you post them before this coming Friday at midnight EDT to be included in the competition. We'll compile a masterlist and announce the winners shortly thereafter.

Thanks again, and we hope you keep watching and commenting on the wonderful fics and art that have yet to be posted!

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Sunday, September 30th, 2007
11:57 pm - Drabble-a-thon: 49th prompt

It's time for the last prompt of our fest!

Forty-ninth prompt:

click for prompt )

(9 comments | comment on this)

11:00 pm - Drabble-a-thon: 48th prompt

Forty-eighth prompt:

"There was a silence in the Hall now, the kind of silence that presses against the eardrums, that seems too huge to be contained by walls."
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, pg 610 (US Ed.)

(3 comments | comment on this)

9:56 pm - Drabble-a-thon: 47th prompt

Forty-seventh prompt:

the beach

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8:56 pm - Drabble-a-thon: 46th prompt

Forty-sixth prompt:

Hagrid's Hut

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Monday, October 1st, 2007
1:58 am - Drabble-a-thon: 45th Prompt

Forty-fifth prompt:

"Everything begins and ends at the exactly right time and place."
-- Picnic At Hanging Rock

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12:55 am - Drabble-a-thon: 44th Prompt

Forty-fourth prompt:

Don't dream it's over

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Sunday, September 30th, 2007
6:00 pm - Drabble-a-thon: 43rd Prompt

Click for Picture )

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5:00 pm - Drabble-a-thon: 42 Prompt

Forty-second prompt:


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4:00 pm - Drabble-a-thon: 41th Prompt

Forty-first prompt: The Second Coming )

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