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May. 9th, 2008


LMOM: Late Bloomer 9/31

Title: His Fingers (Late Bloomer 9/31)
Author: [info]gryffindorj
Rating: R
Word Count:795
Pairings: James/Remus
Kinks: frottage
Challenge:LMoM '08

Late Bloomer 9/31 )

May. 6th, 2008


LMoM #6 Art: Waiting

Title: Waiting
Artist: Ponderosa
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/James
Kink: delayed orgasm
Notes: omg got home late! cram sketch!

Waiting, NSFW )


LMoM 6: Quidditch Balls of a Different Sort, or Soap on a Rope

Title: Quidditch Balls of a Different Sort, or Soap on a Rope
Author: [info]thescarletwoman
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/James
Kink(s): sex in water, felching
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word Count: ~1700
Summary: Gryffindor wins the first match of the Quidditch season and Remus can think of no better way to congratulate James.
Notes: Continuing in the same arc. Due to a meeting with a rather unusual woman, Remus finds that it's sex before the full moon that helps to ease his transformations. To Rose for the uber-speedy beta. :*

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Quidditch Balls of a Different Sort, or Soap on a Rope )

May. 4th, 2008


LMoM#4: Candy Boy(James/Remus, R)

Title: Candy Boy
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus/James
Media: PS
Kink(s): cross dressing
Challenge: Lusty Month of May 2008
Notes: I think this might be the worse drawing I ever made.


May. 1st, 2008


LMoM #1: Hogsmeade Weekend

Title: Hogsmeade Weekend
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/James
Media: tablet and photoshop
Kink(s): public sex, partially clothed sex, oral sex
Challenge: Lusty Month of May 2008

image below )


LMoM: 1979 (Part 1~ January 1, 1979)

Title: 1979
Today’s Date: January 1, 1979
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~900
Pairing: Remus/James (Overall fic will be Remus/Severus, with several other pairings in the mix)
Kink(s): oral sex, cheating
Challenge: Lusty Month of May 2008
Summary: 1979: One of the the worst years of Remus's life. Also, one of the best.
Notes: The possibly insane [info]blpaintchart has agreed to speed beta and Brit pick for as long as she can while I try this…so generous is my Chart!! Also, thank you to McKay for running this crazy thing.

January 1, 1979 )

Sep. 16th, 2007


Fic: Zelophilia, James/Remus NC-17

Title: Zelophilia
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus/James (implied hypothetical Remus/Lily)
Kink(s): Invisibility, dub-con, public sex, frottage, biting, public sex
Challenge: the Pervy Wish Fulfillment thingy: James/Remus (Remus/Lily), zelophilia. James is jealous of the way Remus abuses his prefect status, but that's not the only thing he's jealous of.
Notes: Oh golly. [info]gyzym betaed brilliantly, and, er, several others encouraged me shamelessly. Reposted here from the lj comm.

Remus is really excellent at being quiet... )

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