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Oct. 13th, 2008


Howl-O-Ween Prompts 15-21

The complete rules for Howl-O-Ween 2008 can be found here.

15. Horror on Snape Island (I swear I'm not making this up. See?)
16. The Devil Bat
17. Indestructable Man
18. The Killer Shrews
19. Eegah!
20. Moon of the Wolf
21. Scream of the Wolf

Oct. 6th, 2008


Howl-O-Ween: Prompts 8-14

The complete rules for Howl-O-Ween 2008 can be found here.

8. Deadtime Stories
9. The Witches' Mountain
10. The Bloody Brood
11. Track of the Moon Beast
12. The Alpha Incident
13. A Bucket of Blood
14. I Bury the Living

Oct. 1st, 2008


Howl-O-Ween 2008

Every year here at [info]pervy_werewolf, we celebrate Howl-O-Ween with different Halloween challenges throughout the month. This year, we're doing it a little differently. Every 7 days, I'll post a new list of prompts based on the titles of classic and B-grade horror/sci fi movies. The challenge is to write a porny story or draw porny art based on those prompts (which doesn't necessarily mean based on the movie itself, just whatever ideas the title alone inspires).

For writers, entries must be at least 200 words and rated at least PG13. There is no maximum word length.

For artists, entries must be rated at least PG13, and you may submit doodles, sketches, or fully developed art.

All entries must be Remus-centric, and any het or slash pairing or three/moresome is allowed. Although you don't have to post an entry for a prompt in the week it appears if you don't finish in time, the deadline for all Howl-O-Ween entries is October 31.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time. Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Prompts: October 1-7 )

Sep. 2nd, 2008


Prompt #53

Prompt #53: Back to School. This can be Remus-as-student or Remus-as-teacher and can include any school-related kink, such as uniform role-play, spanking with a ruler, or teacher/student real or role-play.

If you have an older story or artwork that fits the monthly challenge, feel free to re-post it here.

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time.

Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Aug. 1st, 2008


Prompt #52

Prompt #52: On the one-year anniversary of the release of DH, I noticed several posts about Snape - mourning, denial, reflection - but I didn't see anything about Lupin! Where is the Lupin love? So this month on [info]pervy_werewolf, it's going to be about expressing Lupin love in the smuttiest of ways.

For this month's challenge, leave a comment in response to this post, and let me know whether you want a pairing or a kink or both (if you're feeling particularly daring). Then write a story of no more than 1000 words or sketch a quick piece of art using what you're given and post it here before the end of August. If you finish your first piece, you can come back and ask for another pairing/kink/both as many times as you like.

If you have an older story or artwork that fits the monthly challenge, feel free to re-post it here.

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time.

Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Jul. 1st, 2008


Prompt #51

Prompt #51: On the Road Again - sex while traveling. This could be on a broom, a train, a magic carpet, in a car, in a plane, anything that's in motion. If you have an older story or artwork that fits the monthly challenge, feel free to re-post it here.

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time.

Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Jun. 1st, 2008


Prompt #50

I know we're probably burnt out on Remus porn, but in the spirit of optimism, I'm posting a monthly prompt for June anyway. ;)

Prompt #50: Bondage and all its accompanying gear and toys. If you have an older story or artwork that fits the monthly challenge, feel free to re-post it here.

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time.

Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

May. 20th, 2008


Week 4 LMOM Prompts

Congratulations! Only 11 days to go. That's less than 2 weeks away from the finish! :D

I’ll provide a list of prompts once per week that people may use for inspiration for LMOM if so desired. Using the prompts is not required; they’re just for inspirational purposes. I’m giving a week’s worth of prompts at one time rather than posting daily due to time zone differences.

This week, I'm using positions from the Kama Sutra for inspiration. The quotes I copy/pasted to describe the position use the feminine pronoun, but for the purposes of this community, use of the positions isn't limited to het. I just don't have time right now to go through and add him/his etc to be inclusive.

PS: I really hope someone uses the "monkey crushing spices" position.

The Naughty Prompts )

May. 13th, 2008


Week 3 LMOM prompts

Congratulations! We're almost to the half-way mark! :D

I’ll provide a list of prompts once per week that people may use for inspiration for LMOM if so desired. Using the prompts is not required; they’re just for inspirational purposes. I’m giving a week’s worth of prompts at one time rather than posting daily due to time zone differences.

This week, let's go for some rare pairings. Since there are quite a few, I'm going to give a choice of pairing for each day. You may choose to use one or more of the pairings of the day, but using all of them is not required.

The Naughty Prompts )

May. 6th, 2008


Week 2 LMOM Prompts

I’ll provide a list of prompts once per week that people may use for inspiration for LMOM if so desired. Using the prompts is not required; they’re just for inspirational purposes. I’m giving a week’s worth of prompts at one time rather than posting daily due to time zone differences.

This week, let's go for some rare kinks. All of the kinks chosen are on the tag list with ZERO entries. Since there are quite a few, I'm going to give a choice of kink for each day. You may choose to use one or more of the kinks of the day, but using all of them is not required.

The Naughty Prompts )

Apr. 27th, 2008


The Fifth Annual Lusty Month of May Marathon Rules!

It's that time of year again! Spring is in the air, flowers are blooming, everything is turning green, and nature is surging and exploding with new vitality, which can mean only one thing: it's time for a glut of pervy werewolf smut.

The Fifth Annual Lusty Month of May Marathon:

The goal is simple: write and post smut here every day during the month of May. If more than one person writes and posts smut every single day, then we'll have a community poll to determine the winner. Only members of the community will be able to vote, and if there's a tie, we'll have a run-off poll until a single winner is determined.

The winner will receive six months paid IJ time or the donation of an equivalent amount to the charity of their choice if they have a permanent account. The winner and the runners up will all be lauded so that the rest of us can boggle, throw virtual flowers and chocolate, and cheer their stamina. I also hope to have icons and banners for all LMOM winners this year. (And if you're interested in creating them, please email me at scribbulus_ink @

The Rules )

For Fun and Inspiration )

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy perving! :D

Apr. 1st, 2008


Prompt #49

Prompt #49: April Showers. This can involve water, golden showers, or roman showers. If you have an older story or artwork that fits the monthly challenge, feel free to re-post it here.

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time.

Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Mar. 1st, 2008


Prompt #48

Prompt #48: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb. To represent the two folklore sides of March, this month's prompt is about showing Remus as a dominant or as a submissive. Stories and art are welcome; all works must be PG13 or higher. If you have an older work that fits the challenge, feel free to re-post it.

ETA: Bonus points if it's with another werewolf (canon or non-canon).

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time.

Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Feb. 2nd, 2008


Prompt #47

Prompt #47: Love Bites. Interpret that in any kinky way you like ;) Stories and art are welcome; all works must be PG13 or higher. If you have an older work that fits the challenge, feel free to re-post it.

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time.

Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Jan. 1st, 2008


Challenge #46

Challenge #46: Trying New Things. Any kink, any Remus-centric pairing (or moresome) as long as it's something Remus hasn't tried before. Perhaps he resolves to be more sexually adventurous for the new year or perhaps it's simply the first time he ever uses a sex toy or participants in a threesome. Stories and art are welcome; all works must be PG13 or higher. If you have an older work that fits the challenge, feel free to re-post it.

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time. Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Dec. 2nd, 2007


Challenge #45: A very pervy (werewolf) holiday

Challenge #45: A very pervy (werewolf) holiday. The challenge this month is to take some aspect of winter, December, and/or the winter holidays and make it pervy. This could be anything from naughty antics with candy canes to icicles used as a sex toy to public sex in a moving sleigh. Any pairing (or moresome), het or slash; any rating above PG13.

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time. Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Nov. 1st, 2007


Challenge #44: Being Thankful

Picking up where we left off on LJ, this month's challenge is Being Thankful.

Challenge #44: What kink is Remus most grateful his lover shares or is willing to indulge?

If you get inspired by a challenge but don't finish the story or art within the month, not a problem! Feel free to post it whenever it's finished, even if the monthly challenge period is over.

Kinky non-challenge stories, poetry, and art are always welcome as well. As long as it's kinky and features Remus in some way, it's eligible for posting here at any time. Please refer to the community profile for rules re: posting.

Please remember to tag your entries!

Happy perving! :)

Sep. 30th, 2007


Howl-O-Ween 2007

Every year, we celebrate Howl-O-Ween on [info]pervy_werewolf, and this year will be no exception despite our change of venue.

This year, we're going to focus on keeping it short, smutty, and a little spooky. The challenge will be open for stories or art of any pairing, het or slash.

To participate, leave a comment in response to this post, and I will give you a randomly chosen word, phrase, or quote that relates to Halloween (or general spookiness) in some way. You must incorporate the prompt into your story or art in some way.

Stories must be between 500 and 5000 words with a minimum rating of PG13. A series of 10 drabbles is just as welcome as a 5000 word story if that makes it easier for you to write.

Art may be as sketchy or as detailed as you like with a minimum rating of PG13.

The deadline is October 31.

If you're working on something for the Post-DH Fest, you still have until October 31 to finish. Prompts are still available for claiming here.

Also, if you'd like to repost something for the Inaugural Challenge, you still have until October 1 in your time zone (although really, we welcome reposts at any time).

Even if you aren't writing for one of our challenges, feel free to cross-post any smutty Remus-centric stories or art you create at any time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy perving! :)

Sep. 17th, 2007


Inaugural Challenge!

Now that pervy_werewolf on LJ has been closed and all activity has been moved here, I think an inaugural challenge is in order to get things started. We do still have the Slightly Smutty Post-DH Lupin Fest open for claims and posting through the end of October, but this is something to tide us over in the interim.

From now until October 1, post your smuttiest Lupin-centric stories or art. Het, slash, threesomes, and moresomes are all eligible as long as Lupin and kinky sex of some kind are featured. They can be old stories/artwork from 3 years ago or something you wrote/drew just last week.

Please remember to tag your entries! We have a list of existing kink and pairings tags in the sidebar on the community main page, and I'll add tags as needed for authors, artists, and threesomes.

Happy perving!

Sep. 4th, 2007


Post-DH Slightly Smutty Lupin Fest

The full rules of the fest can be found here. As a quick reminder, all prompts may be claimed once for fic and once for art, and you may claim only one prompt at a time, but once you've finished and posted your claim, you may choose another prompt.

We don't have an incredibly long list of prompts as yet, so if you have prompt ideas, you may continue to submit them here for the next week or so (please do - the more prompts we have, the better, and you may submit more than one prompt).

What follows are is the prompt list for September-October. The deadline for all submissions is October 31. Happy perving!

September-October Prompts: )

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