April 17th, 2009

[info]scribbulus_ink in [info]pervy_werewolf


I wrote this drabble set for [info]lupin100 recently and then realized it would fit here too.

Title: Revenge
By: McKay
Pairing: Remus/Narcissa
Word count: 200
Rated: NC17
Kink: rough sex, adultery

Revenge )

[info]scribbulus_ink in [info]pervy_werewolf

The Sixth Annual Lusty Month of May Marathon

Towards the end of the month, I'll post the official rules and such, but since we've reached mid-month, I wanted to start gearing up for next month and the...

Sixth Annual Lusty Month of May Marathon!

For those who haven't been around to experience the past five years - every year in May, [info]pervy_werewolf hosts a challenge to see who can write at least 500 words of smut or draw a doodle/sketch every day throughout the month of May.

In otder to shake things up a bit, I've decided to do things differently this year with three challenge tiers.

The tiers )

The challenge is open to writers and artists, and all het and slash ships are allowed as long as Remus is involved in some way, even if only as a voyeur, but Remus must be involved. The minimum rating is PG13 for both stories and art.

You may start writing/drawing and posting once it's May 1 in your time zone, but you may not write/draw ahead. In other words, don't write/draw something on April 30 and have it ready to post at midnight on May 1. You start creating on May 1.

I'll be providing daily prompts for inspiration again this year. You won't be required to use them, but if you need a nudge, you can use one of the prompts.

I'll post the full list of rules closer to the end of the month, but I hope people will start thinking about participating and what they might like to do. In past years, we've had a wide array of pairings and submissions, and I'd love for this year to be just as big and smutty.

If you're an artist or good with graphics and you'd like to help create banners, icons, and other such graphics for the winners, please email me at scribbulus_ink @ insanejournal.com. I'm looking for help in creating cool gift graphics for all of the writers and artists who finish out the month.

For posterity's sake, here are the winners of the past five years:

LMOM Hall of Fame )

Happy perving!

June 2012



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