September 21st, 2007

[info]islandsmoke in [info]pervy_werewolf

Repost: Power Play ~ NC-17

Title: Power Play ~ Part 2
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin, Lupin/OMC
Kinks: D/s, Alpha!Remus, bondage, bestiality, punishment, delayed orgasm, dirty talk, snowballing
Challenge: Repost!
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?
Notes: It occurred to me that I could simply link the story, instead of reposting, and that it would be a lot less work faster. So, Part 2 will be linked to my Greatest Journal account, where all my fic is archived.

Many thanks to Odd Doll and [info]snegurochka_lee for their excellent work as betas.

Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

(Part 1 is here.)

[info]westernredcedar in [info]pervy_werewolf

Re-post: Pillowcase (Remus/Severus/Sirius NC-17)

Re-post from not long ago at all.

Title: Pillowcase
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Severus/Sirius
Kink(s): threesome
Challenge: Re-post
Notes: Originally written for the lovely [info]nehalenia. This is my first post to the comm! Yay!

Pillowcase )

[info]gatewaygirl in [info]pervy_werewolf

Fic: Beauty's Tricks (RL/BL -- NC-17)

I'm posting a couple of old stories (maybe three) for the Inaugural Challenge. This one is het (Ooo! Radical!) and ambiguous consent. (Well, actually no consent, but ambiguous willingness.)

Title: Beauty's Tricks
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Bellatrix (with non-sexual Remus-Sirius angst)
Kink(s): Dubious consent with non-consensual restraints and projected (not actual) bestiality
Summary: Bellatrix wants her own Dark Creature
Challenge: Inaugural challenge, old story
Notes: I wrote this for springsmut, a rare pairs exchange, several years ago. Thanks to Marks for the beta, and Atropos for the Britpick.

Read more... )

[info]scribbulus_ink in [info]pervy_werewolf

FIC: When the Morning Comes - Remus/Bill

Title: When the Morning Comes
By: McKay
Pairing: Remus/Bill
Rated: NC17
Summary: Bill makes a mistake that he's determined to rectify -- the problem is convincing Remus to let him.
Word count: 4,648

When the Morning Comes )

[info]lore in [info]pervy_werewolf

Fic: Blue on Black (Remus/Sirius, NC17/NWS)

Title: Blue on Black
Author: [info]lore
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC17/NWS
Kinks: Frottage
Summary: James gives all the Marauders a special gift for Christmas, but only Sirius is daft enough to use it.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to JKR and I am just having a lark with them.
Notes: Warning - It's a little...goopy. ~1800 words. Written for [info]fleshdress as part of a holiday exchange. I had a lovely team of betas for this piece. Thank you [info]kellanine, [info]zeldaophelia, [info]ellid, [info]eponis, and [info]corvidae9. The rest is entirely my fault. Feedback/comments/concrit/squee warmly welcomed.

Remus stared. )

love, lore

[info]gatewaygirl in [info]pervy_werewolf

OLD FIC: Territorial Adjustments, SB/RL, NC-17

Title: Territorial Adjustments
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Kink(s): Watersports (i.e., pissing)
Summary: This wasn't the sort of forfeit that Remus had expected.
Challenge: Inaugural challenge, old story
Notes: I wrote this after signing up for a fic exchange. Every time I sign up for a fic exchange, reading other people's squick lists gives me the urge to write watersports and bestiality. (No, none of the latter in this fic.)

Territorial Adjustments )

June 2012



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