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Another one?! [03 Jan 2008|01:04pm]
The first person to take advantage of the seven. Boy, this doesn't look like I argue for rule changes to benefit myself, does it?

I give you Horus, who combines certain aspects of Horus the Older and Horus the Younger in a mystifying Christ-like extravaganza of bastardization, isolation, combat and castration! Plus, blindness. Since there's only one of any deity allowed, there is a mixture of elements in Horus. However, he's still Isis and Osiris' son. The eternal opponent of Set, whom he refuses to call by a proper name, and the king of the cooler part of Egypt.

So, if you have any interactions OR you have any tidbits that your character might have mentioned about Horus, please let me know. I can't guarantee that I'll keep the latter, but I'll try.

Oi, Minna~! [03 Jan 2008|03:01pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | saeko chiba → sayonara solitia ]

Jan again and I bring you Ame-no-Uzume no Mikoto! Goddess of Revelry, Dawn, Good Health, and Dance! She is the second to join the Japanese Pantheon, because Shade beat me to it, but I forgive him!

Anyways: If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions. ← lulz

[ viewing | January 3rd, 2008 ]
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