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GOOD NEWS! [04 Jan 2008|09:09pm]
We are in the process of creating a simple, indexed folder of HTML files for every thread we've ever done on GJ-DDC and GJ-HDC. All comments are included, as are the original posts, and the index file lists each post by its subject line. This means that even if GJ implodes tomorrow or two weeks from now, we have a solid back-up copy of all the writing we've done on GJ.


What we're attempting to do right now is find a way to make this index searchable. The dates are out of order, the subject lines are often not indicative of the content of the post, and there's no way to search by character or events of the thread.


We're looking for a convenient, streamlined way to search these posts so that you can find what you're looking for easily! What this means to you is, you no longer have to save posts by hand if you've been doing so. We have all of the posts in backup, and once we've made them a bit more user-friendly for you guys, we'll be posting a file for everyone that includes all of GJ-DDC and GJ-HDC's posts.


It's difficult to describe in this post the way that the files are arranged, indexed and dated. While we'd be open to suggestions in the future, right now we're putting our three monkey brains together to try and save you the work. So! We might be soliciting suggestions in the future, but right now relax and know that we have saved all of your beautiful, beautiful writing and that it will exist forever.


There will be updates upcoming as we sort through the files and figure out the best way to implement a method of searching the index.

[ viewing | January 4th, 2008 ]
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