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Yahoo Mail and IJ Replies [02 Jan 2008|11:53am]
So I noticed that my IJ email notifications were being filtered into my SPAM box on Yahoo.

Have no idea WHY!

But just FYI peoples. Kateness was having some issues with this earlier, too -- Kate, you got any words-o-wisdom?

The First Plot Chat of the YEAAAR!! [02 Jan 2008|08:40pm]

Come one, come all, to our first 2008 Plot Chat on Saturday, January 5th, at 10 PM Central. That's 8 PM Pacific, 9 PM Mountain, 11 PM Eastern, and 4 AM Sunday, GMT! Woot!

So, yes. Be on AIM, be available, and catch your invites from the FAE! We'll get a pre-plot-chat party going maybe 30 minutes or so beforehand. For all your crazy guacamole needs. And for Dawn's penis to be praised. Yea, verily, I say unto you.

Beware Moderators Bearing Gifts!!! [02 Jan 2008|08:43pm]
Just when you thought your sanity was safe...

After much debate, your Deities Moderators have decided to change a rule. Don't worry; you'll like it. A LOT. Here goes:

An established player may have up to five character journals at one time, with no more than four character journals for any one pantheon (Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, etc). Players active for less than 6 months may have up to two character journals. Extremely consistent, active players may apply for TWO MORE CHARACTERS above the five-character limit.

That's right. Oh yes. If you're consistently rocking it hardcore at DDC, and if you've hit your character limit, go on with your bad selves and pick out a seventh! Of course, the 4-characters-per-pantheon caveat remains in effect, but you know you wanted a Sumerian. Or an Egyptian. Or a Hindu. Or a Norse god. You know you did. *tempt tempt tempt*

Now we shall sit back and watch as the madness ensues. And we shall cackle. Yes. Yes, we shall!

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