Pandora's Box OOC

April 2012



January 18th, 2012



Game Summary - November 11, 2003

Date change:
No nightmares tonight; there's definitely a pattern here.

Early morning:
Daily Prophet article sensationalises death of Penelope Clearwater and attempts to save her by Ron Weasley. Also mentioned is a break-in at Lavender Brown's flat.

2:13 AM
Marietta successfully steals Lavender's dream database.

4:00 AM
Percy has more than one nightmare. Sometime later, he sends Theodore Nott an owl.

5:12 AM
Marietta owls Jaynedora about her success.

8:00 AM
Alicia and George go from a pleasant morning to a distressing one. George then sends Ron an owl. Later he owls Percy as well, with something up his sleeve.

Seamus goes to apologise to Lavender. It's extremely difficult.

10:15 AM
Samara invites several people over for her birthday. (Birthday is the 13th, party is the 14th).

11:15 AM
Percy helps Hermione transfer departments. Ernie is there as guard detail for Percy.

11:46 AM
Samara discusses family, recent events and her career change with her brother.

1:00 PM
Agatha and Cade play twenty questions about the cases and make breakthroughs.
Marietta continues to fool Zacharias into thinking she's pregnant.

Between 5:00 and 6:00 PM
George stages an intervention for Percy.

6:00 PM
Justin tries to have a serious conversation with Anthony. We'll see how long that lasts.

6:32 PM
Dean and Michael talk about what been going on, especially with Lavender.

7:00 PM
Adrian takes Melinda out to dinner.
Angelina keeps Alicia company since they both suspect Alicia will be having another nightmare tonight.

8:12 PM
Michael owls DA members suffering from nightmares his potion.

11:00 PM
Michael does his best to comfort Lavender. Again.

11:45 PM
Bianca has another vision and calls Jasper over.

Again, let me know if anything needs fixing!




Couple reminders!

Please remember to tag your posts. If an appropriate tag has not been created yet, just let us know. Also, when your thread is complete, please tag it !complete and one of the mods will come along an remove the !incomplete tag for you.

Also, when sending owls, please remember to time-stamp them (just the initial owl; the replies needs not be unless you want them to be). It makes my life easier when I do the game summaries, so I know when stuff happens.

Thanks guys! :)
