Pandemansion Out of Character Community's Journal
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Pandemansion Out of Character Community

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Emergency at work [17 Apr 2008|01:10pm]


I'm at work right now, so I have to be quick. Just wanted to tell you all that I am working on replies. I would have had them all done but work called. I'll finish up when I can when I get home and post them up.

Sorry for the wait.

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[17 Apr 2008|10:27am]

[ mood | crappy ]

Sorry guys. I won't be able to do replies today seeing as how I'm running on the last 18 mins of my battery on my laptop currently. I'm managing to at least get e-mails replied to, I hope.

You see, our power is currently disconnected, my uncle is going through a hard time with his 28 month old daughter because of her mother, and yeah. Life right now? Not so great.

So, until our power is back on, I won't be around. Which it'll likely be sometime today, but then we've got to go get our food from Sam's house and bring it back here, and lots of other things I'm sure. So yeah, RL is pwning me, but you know what? I kinda like it.

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[16 Apr 2008|10:51pm]

Alright ladies and gents, just want to take this time to let you all know a little something.

Sarah's power was cut out today, probably won't be turned back on until sometime tomorrow. This is if all goes well. It may or may not be longer than that.

Secondly, I will be getting to my replies tomorrow, I have not forgotten about you!



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I HAVE A SNEAKING SUSPISION... [14 Apr 2008|11:38am]

...THAT SARAH AND SAMMA ARE THE ONLY OTHER PLAYERS HERE BESIDES ME! I made an introduction post for myself and my character, as I was suppost to do, but only Sarah answer that. I'm rping in my first thread with Samma.

Oh...I do know that another new player has, as far as I know, that's Sarah, Samma, me & Ally. I looked under 'Contact' and saw all of these names, but I think they all must be pseudonyms that Sarah and Samma write under to fool people!

If there are any others here, I sure would like them to say 'Hi'!

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New Char! [11 Apr 2008|01:50pm]

Hi all, this is Ally. I'm bringing Ayla from the Earth's Children Series by Jean M. Auel. You may have heard of Clan of the Cave Bear if you're not familiar with Earth's Children. I'm using Daryl Hannah as the PB since she played her in the 80s movie. I'm going to be bringing her in after the Valley of Horses, the second book in the series. So, she has already left the Clan, met Jondalar and is on her way to meet some of her own people.

If you, or anyone you know, is familiar with the series and would like to play Jondalar, please do!

Oh, and just so you know, she doesn't speak English. She's a cro-magnon from about 30,000 years ago. She speaks an ancient language that is extinct now. However, she does learn quickly and will be able to pick up English in a matter of days so don't be afraid to play with her. She needs people to talk to her in order to learn the language.


Edit: There is no language barrier in the mansion, so Ayla can speak and understand English. Thanks.

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Threads that need to be finished [10 Apr 2008|03:11pm]

Now, don't take this as us rushing you to finish a thread. We're all about doing things in your own time and this is in no way, form, or fashion us trying to rush you. Think of it as a reminder, nothing more, and an easy way for people who haven't read certain threads to read over them. Trust me, most to all of these threads are uber amusing and should be read over!

If a thread is complete and on the list, please comment here and I'll mark it off the list. I've made notes beside the ones I think have been finished, the status of the thread just needs to be changed to complete. Once the poster has changed the status comment here as well and I'll remove them from the list. Threads are listed in order from oldest to newest.

Hannibal King and Yuna
Takato Matsuki and Legolas
Radical Edward and Hammy - I believe this thread is done, just needs to be edited to complete status.
Erika and Spike
Abigail Whistler and Hannibal King
Ash and Radical Edward
Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi, and Dr. Grimm
Kaguya Kimimaro, Radical Edward, and Ash
Abigail Whsitler and Talion
Max Evans and Legolas
Hatake Kakashi and Dr. Grimm
Ash and Legolas

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Hi All! [07 Apr 2008|09:19am]

My Name's Mark and I'm bring in Max Evans from the TV series Roswell. Anything you want to know about Max is in his user info...I'm bringing him in from Season one, so he doesn't know any of that info in paragraph one. So basically, Max knows he's an alien, knows his 'powers', but has no idea where he is from. Max and his two companions, Michael and Isabel have to deal with being teenagers and avoid the FBI, alien hunters and Sheriff Valenti.

Anyhoo, I've played with some of you before and look forward to doing so again. For those of you I haven't had the chance to RP with, I'm excited to see how that works out!

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Allo again [05 Apr 2008|02:31pm]

So I gots another character. Everyone say hi to Shinn Asuka, pilot of the ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam! His bio is on my userinfo page. Be warned: he's not the happiest of people. But that makes for interesting plots :P

P.S. He's bringin the Destiny with him! Any chars that are all science-minded, feel free to bug him while he's trying to fix the thing in the hangar. He could prolly use the help :P

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[03 Apr 2008|08:45am]

[ mood | sick ]
[ music | The Whitest Kids U'Know ]

Hello, all~. My name's Drakan, and I'll be playing the Faun from El Laberinto De. Fauno, aka the laberynth of the Faun, aka: Pan's Laberynth.

I'll be taking him around the end of the movie, so he'll look alot nicer and better than this (what's in teh icon), but he'll look and act older than he looks. :/ I can't really explain it, but I think it involves Ofelia somehow. Anyway~ I'm also going to keep his faeries in the movie but not the Pale Man, or the toad.

Uh, if you have questions or anything, I'd perfer you email me, since the compy's all flickering and stuff; and I can use my cell to check it. :nod:.

(aim too, when I get the compy fixed): xtrasliceo2xdamn


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Ja! [02 Apr 2008|05:37pm]

Hey, this is Kaye once again with my new character Fred.

For those of you who don't know who she is, she is the rather strange but genius-type girl from the show "Angel" who joined the show in Season 2 and then died in the final season. She's adorable, though, and you all will love her, I promise!

Hit me up for an RP anytime any of you want!

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Intro... [02 Apr 2008|10:40am]

Hey, my name's Ally and I bring you Xena. If you don't know who she is, then wow. Just kidding. She's a warrior princess from somewhere between 1300 BC and 850 BC. So she got to know all sorts of Gods and Goddesses and other famous people. She's a complex tough woman. But she's pretty nice.

I'm nice too, I'm up for any kind of plotting. My aim is vanimaluhta. Thanks!

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Ed's Introduction [29 Mar 2008|08:59pm]

Hello! Hello! This is Modly Mel. Just posting this up so you all know who it is. Edward's Bio and more icons will be finished soon. So welcome Radical Edward of the Bebop!

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Hello, hello. [29 Mar 2008|12:24pm]

[ mood | calm ]

Hello everyone!

I'm Karly and I'll be playing Spike.

For those of you who aren't familliar with him, he's from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the spinoff Angel. He's a vampire. With a soul. He's pretty punk rock, and he's extremely proud of himself. Most of the time.

I'm open for plottage of all sorts. Really looking foward to the interactions between those who hate vampires and himself. That'll be interesting.

You can catch me on AIM, my name's Rasputanian.

Happy to be here! I suppose he'll make his entrance in the next day change?


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Hello. [27 Mar 2008|04:56pm]

This is Dream's journal; please add him if you haven't already.

Also please go and have a look at his journal. The banner up on top is shiny and pretty and I am insanely proud of myself for making it. ^_^;

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*ebil laugh* [25 Mar 2008|02:40pm]

[ mood | amused ]

So, I told you lot that I'd have her done before the day change, she is.

Bellatrix will be coming in on the next day change! *does happy dance* It will be my first time playing her, so be gentle yes? I'm up for plottage of any sort, just hit me up.

Also, I'm up for plottage with Ash, Hannibal and Dr. Grimm. I'll be making an OTA post with Dr. Grimm by the end of the day if someone would like to pounce on her.

*loves on*


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Ja! [23 Mar 2008|02:22pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

This is Sasu-mun checking in!

Love the superly sexy sweet Sasuke... but not too much, because for most of you, that would be be known as pedophilia, and that's bad. Bad, I say!

Hit me for a private RP anytime you want. I'm generally free (save for this week when I'll be staying after for theatre shows)!

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Greetings. [23 Mar 2008|06:15pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Neji-mun, reporting for duty. :)

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[20 Mar 2008|01:32pm]

Ack, I forgot we started!! Sorry guys! I'm in class right now, but I will post Yuna's arrival some time today. ^.^


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