our true selves.

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our true selves.


April 4th, 2010

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Who: Team Three (aka Team NERD)
What: Celebratory ER Pizza.
When: Uh...forward dated to whenever it can appropriately happen?
Where: The hospital ward where they all ended up.
Warnings: ...I don't even know. Just be warned?

There was no better way to celebrate, right? Not to have pizza at this point would be...un-American! )

April 3rd, 2010

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Who: Rue Murray and Jen Hill
What: During the take-down, Rue gets her just desserts.
Where: CORE HQ
When: Around 11:00 PM, Friday April 2nd
Warning: Character death.

What is this, revenge of the nerds? )

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Who: Camelot: James Miller (The man behind the curtain), Nate Roth (The leader), Jennifer Hill, Benjamin Davis (NPC), Lilah St. Fleur, Chris Lancaster, Ted Holloway and Mina Viresh
CORE: Anna Harkness and Rue Murray
What: Attack on CORE. Part three.
When: Friday 2nd April, 11pm.
Where: CORE HQ in San Francisco, California. As well as James being at Camelot HQ, UK.
OOC Info: This is a comms post which means speech and descriptions of sounds only. Private communications between people in the post can be made by changing the subject header in the comment as you would in a journal comment. This is the 'master post' for this event, if you have any pre prepared logs or narratives then please link to them here in the order in which they occur with a note about whether or not comms were on or off so people know if they can react to it and how much. If you have any questions about the format then please IM either myself, Claudie or Heather.
Special note: CORE members being arrested during this block can be heard over the comms but they themselves can only hear who they're talking to. If CORE people want to also communicate on their own comm frequency then feel free!

The first and second wave had already gone in, and the sounds of a full on fight were already echoing through the building. Team Three's job was to search and retrieve and fight when they had to, but mostly they had to make sure no one in CORE got out unless they were being escorted in hand cuffs. Even if they weren't the front lines, that was still just as dangerous.

"Hey guys, I know we've been joking about it but seriously. If it comes down to it? Link arms and chant red rover, red rover! Who knows, it might work?"

February 21st, 2010

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Who: Mina Viresh and Jen Hill (and possibly later Nate Roth)
What: Making fun of teh nerds at the comic shop :D
Where: Stellar Comics
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: Girls being girls? XD

Is it just me, or has this place turned into a ghost town over the past hour? )

February 14th, 2010

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Who: Josh Blake and Jen Hill
What: Jen is staying for the weekend while Jay and Sarah are doing the Valentine's thing, she and Josh get research-y (read: cute).
Where: Josh's apartment in Boston
When: Backdated to Saturday night, February 13th
Warnings: Hardcore Nerdiness.
Status: Incomplete

This is all very Oliver and Dinah, except it's Steph and Jason. So weird. )

January 27th, 2010

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Who: Jen Hill, Ted Holloway and later Rue Murray
What: Jen shows up just after ten and is met with Agency zombies and a far too alert Ted. Suspicions, confrontations and Poison Ivy interruptions ensue.
Where: The Agency HQ in London
When: Wednesday morning 10:05 AM
Rating: R? Possibility of strong language, definitely some violence and adult content.

She had a moment of ridiculous panic, thinking back to her conversation with Josh and wondering if machines really had taken over, or maybe this was the beginnings of the zombie apocalypse? )

January 25th, 2010

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Who: Jen Hill, Owen Murphy, Colin Ford, Kyle Thomas, Krystelle Deroux [Appearances by: Josh Blake, and possible Sarah Evans and James Miller (the people behind the curtain)]
What: Rescuing Josh from the EVIL JOKER'S CLAWS.
Where: JJ's apartment in San Francisco
When: Monday evening, shortly after dusk
Rating: P13-R? IDK, there's most likely a very hurt Josh and also a bomb. OH NOES!

If after all this they busted in there and found Josh dead, Jen was pretty sure she'd lose it. )

January 5th, 2010

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Who: Elizabeth Harper, Juliet Pierce, Colin Ford, Ryan Macintosh, Jennifer Hill, Nina Kohl, Alex Myles, Miranda Jones, Jeremiah Radley and OPEN TO AGENCY. (The order will be added as people get in touch with me, and multiple threads are welcome).
Where: Agency HQ, London. Specially, the canteen, but it can go anywhere.
When: 5th January, 2009, night time.
What: The Agency’s snowed in. Wackyness ensues.
Warnings: None so far.

Elizabeth couldn’t remember ever being snowed in at the London Headquarters before... )

December 18th, 2009

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Who: Jen Hill and Eric Sizemore
What: Jen just got back from her interview with the Agency and she bombards Eric at the comic store with her gushing.
When: Friday evening, December 18
Where: Comix'd!
Warnings: N/A

When Jen was excited she had a tendency to get tunnel vision and she was already chattering away like a monkey )
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